Case Study: Fast Food Chain Rules Website and Mobile Apps Engagements

Burger King is an American global chain of 17.000+ hamburger fast food restaurants. Pimcore provides a multi-lingual API-first headless CMS for managing the European countries websites.

Business Needs

The Burger King branches in Europe needed a user-friendly website solution to build and manage content as well as the ability to upload images and update content as new products and promotions are released. They also needed the ability to manage their mobile application’s content and send push notifications to millions of users in the region regarding new coupons and campaigns. Furthermore, they needed a way to separate the different European country’s web content because languages, products, and promotions vary from region to region. Moreover, all images on the website and the mobile applications should be generated on the fly to add image overlays at user-defined positions or different backgrounds for the website and the app.

Pimcore Solution

Pimcore provided a multi-lingual content management framework solution for European Burger King countries to manage their websites. With the solution, they could manage the local Burger King sites for the various regions. They were able to share content between countries and collaborate as needed. The solution served as a single-source of publishes for the multiple websites and various applications for each region. With the mobile app plug-in, they could easily send push-notifications for all iOs and Android users to advertise coupons and campaigns. With everything being managed in a single-source repository, they were easily able to manage their regional websites all in one place – leading to a more efficient and organized web management process.

Business Results

With the new solution, Burger King is able to manage their websites and applications with minimal support from outside sources. With the ease of use, they can frequently update content making sure that campaigns are promoted on-time with significant exposure. Because of how easy it was to advertise coupons and promotions, Burger King brought in more customers leading to increased sales and revenue. With the well-organized and professional websites, Burger King appealed to their customers and increased their loyalty to the brand. Overall, Pimcore provided Burger King with the solution they needed to achieve efficiency and successes throughout their many branches and countries. Finally the website was rolled out in 4 countries and the app in more than 10 countries as of today.

Burger King
Pimcore Gold Partner
  • Burger King
Verwendete Produkte
Webseite besuchen

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