Data Object Data Pool
The data object data pool allows integrating Pimcore data objects into a portal. Configurations are available for the grid and the detail page.
Data Object Class
One data pool can display data from one data object class.
Grid Configuration
Workspace Definition
The workspace concept similar to the workspace concept for defining permissions of Pimcore backend users. Workspaces define the visible content and what operations should be allowed for the data pool. The definition is based on folders, by default nothing is visible.
Available permissions
- View: Display data objects.
- Download: Allow downloading data objects and related assets.
Pre Condition Service
The pre condition service is a custom extension point that allows further restricting displayed data objects of the data pool. Services can be added with custom services, see PreCondition Service for details.
Navigation Options
Define what navigation options show be available for data object grid:
- Activate / deactivate folder navigation for grid.
- Activate / deactivate tag navigation for grid:
- Optionally define root tag from which tag tree should be built from.