Name Extractor for Pimcore Elements
The name extractor is used to extract a name for data objects and assets. This name will be displayed and used at the following positions in the frontend:
- Displayed within the data pool listings.
- Displayed for relations of elements on data object detail pages.
- Used within the full text search to find the element.
- Can be configured as sort option or filter in the data pool configuration document if needed.
By default, the service works as following:
- Assets: The file name will be used as name.
- Data Object: If the given data object class has a "name" attribute and a name is entered in the data object use it, otherwise the key of the data object will be used as fallback (works with a localized name field too).
It's possible to change this logic through events:
- Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Event\Asset\ExtractNameEvent
- Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Event\DataObject\ExtractNameEvent
This example event subscriber will append the production year to the name of Car
data objects.
namespace AppBundle\EventListener;
use Pimcore\Bundle\PortalEngineBundle\Event\DataObject\ExtractNameEvent;
use Pimcore\Model\DataObject\Car;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
class PortalEngineExtractCarNameSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
ExtractNameEvent::class => 'onExtractName'
public function onExtractName(ExtractNameEvent $event)
$car = $event->getObject();
if(!$car instanceof Car) {
$name = $car->getName($event->getLocale()) ;
if($productionYear = $car->getProductionYear()) {
$name .= ' (' . $productionYear . ')';
# add this to your container service definition
- { name: kernel.event_subscriber }
Update Elasticsearch Index
If you change the logic for the name extraction process do not forget to update the index (at least for the affected elements).
# update all index mappings and put all elements in the queue (restrictable with corresponding command options and arguments)
bin/console portal-engine:update:index
# process index queue with 3 parallel processes
bin/console portal-engine:update:process-index-queue --processes=3