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Version: 2023.1

Reporting and Statistics

Predefined Statistics

The portal engine ships with a couple of out-of-the-box reports that can be integrated into any content pages via area bricks.

Predefined StatisticsPredefined StatisticsPredefined Statistics

Available predefined statistics are:

  • Data object types: Pie chart for an overview of available data object types
  • Asset types: Pie chart for an overview of available asset types
  • Asset storage per type: Pie chart for an overview of asset types and their used storage space
  • Logins during last 6 months per week: Line chart of all logins happened during last 6 months
  • Downloads over time in total: Line chart of all downloads happened during last 6 months
  • Downloads over time by context: Line chart of all downloads happened during last 6 months per download context
  • Most downloaded assets
  • Most recent downloads of current user
  • Most recent updates
  • Most recent updates of current user

These statistics are pre-filtered for all user permissions of the current user.

Statistics Explorer

In addition to the predefined statistics, the portal engine ships with a statistics explorer that allows on-the-fly deep-dive analytics.

Statistics ExplorerStatistics ExplorerStatistics Explorer

Available data sources are

  • Assets Index
  • Assets Updates
  • DataObject Class Definitions
  • Downloads
  • Portal Logins
  • Data Objects (for all Data Object Classes available in at least one data pool of current portal)

For details also see Statistics Explorer Documentation