Symfony Messenger
Handle Failed Jobs
If maintenance jobs fail during processing, they are discarded from the respective transport after a defined number of retries.
However, you can move the failed jobs to a new transport (e.g. pimcore_failed_jobs
) instead of discarding them completely with following config:
dsn: "doctrine://default?queue_name=pimcore_failed_jobs&table_name=messenger_messages_pimcore_failed"
dsn: "doctrine://default?queue_name=pimcore_core"
# For RabbitMQ (recommended) use this as example:
# dsn: "amqp://rabbitmq:5672/%2f/pimcore_core"
failure_transport: pimcore_failed_jobs
which can be re-processed later after fixing the underlying issue with command bin/console messenger:consume pimcore_failed_jobs
Please follow the Symfony docs for options on failed jobs processing.
We recommend RabbitMQ as a message queue. For a tutorial, check this link. For an example configuration, refer to this link.