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Calculated Value Datatype


The calculated-value datatype allows you to calculate attributes based on the value of various other attributes. The only data stored is the one in the object's query tables.

Let's have a closer look by walking through a simple example.

Let's suppose we have a very simple class with 2 number fields called xValue and yValue and a calculated-value field called sum placed inside a localizedfields container.

Calculated Value Configuration

The first step is to provide a PHP calculator class implementing at least one static method which computes the result for the sum field. An example is shown below.

The arguments passed into this method is the Pimcore object and the contextual information telling you which calculated-value field is affected and where it is located it.

The extent of information differs on which datatype is the owner of the calculated-value field (localizedfield, object brick etc.). The details are documented below.

namespace Website;
use Pimcore\Model\DataObject\Concrete;
class CalculatorDemo
     * @param $object Concrete
     * @param $context \Pimcore\Model\DataObject\Data\CalculatedValue
     * @return string
    public static function compute($object, $context) {
        if ($context->getFieldname() == "sum") {
            $language = $context->getPosition();
            return $object->getXValue($language) +  $object->getYValue($language);
        } else {
            \Logger::error("unknown field");

As we see here, the calculator class sums up the x and y values from the corresponding language tab.

It is also possible to provide a different representation for edit mode by providing a second (optional) implementation just for this purpose. An example would be:

 * @param $object
 * @param $context \Pimcore\Model\DataObject\Data\CalculatedValue
 * @return string
public static function getCalculatedValueForEditMode($object, $context) {
    $language = $context->getPosition();
    $result = $object->getXValue($language) . " + " . $object->getYValue($language) . " = " . self::compute($object, $context);
    return $result;

The visual outcome would be as follows:

Calculated Value Field

Working with PHP API

Getter methods on the object class are generated as usual. The code to retrieve the values would then be:

$object = Object_Abstract::getByPath("/demoobject");
$valueDe =  $object->getSum("de");   // => 38
$valueEn =  $object->getSum("en");   // => 11

Context Information for Calculation Class

As said before, the richness of the context information depends on the location of the calculated-value field.

Object (top-level)

Name Description
ownerType "object"
fieldName the name of the calcuated-value field (e.g. sum)


Name Description
position the language ("en", "de", ...)
ownerType "localizedfield"
ownerName the name of the localized field ("localizedfields")


Name Description
ownerType "objectbrick"
ownerName the name of the objectbrick field inside the object
fieldName the name of the attribute inside the brick
index the name of the brick
keyDefinition the calculated-value field definition


Name Description
ownerType "fieldcollection"
ownerName the name of the fieldcollection attribute
fieldName the name of the attribute inside the fieldcollection
index the index of the fieldcollection item
keyDefinition the calculated-value field definition

Classification Store

Name Description
ownerType "classificationstore"
ownerName the name of the fieldcollection attribute
fieldName the name of the attribute inside the fieldcollection
position the language
groupId group id
keyId key id
keyDefinition the fielddefinition of the classificationstore attribute