Warning: You are browsing the documentation from version 4 to 10 of Pimcore. Please visit https://pimcore.com/docs/platform/ for the latest versions of Pimcore.

Technical Details

Migration of existing Data

To add metadata collections to assets based on existing metadata, use following command. It will check for existing metadata entries if they have a prefix like License.something and then adds the corresponding collection (in this case License) to the asset.

php bin/console asset-metadata-class-definitions:populate

Assign collections to an asset programmatically

To assign metadata collections to assets, use the Collections model as follows:

$col = new Pimcore\AssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle\Model\Collections();
$col->setCollections(["License", "Credits"]);

// either only apply collections to asset without saving it

// or apply collection to asset and save the asset right away 

// setting metadata attributes it self is the same as with standard metadata
$asset = Pimcore\Model\Asset::getById(290); 
$asset->addMetadata('CarImages.title', 'input', $title, $language);

Add a definition programmatically

$configuration = new \Pimcore\AssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle\Model\Configuration();

$panel = new \Pimcore\AssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle\Model\ClassDefinition\Layout\Panel();
$panel->setTitle("panel title");

$input = new \Pimcore\AssetMetadataClassDefinitionsBundle\Model\ClassDefinition\Data\Input();

