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Flows for the Single Sign On Sample Implementation (Deprecated Feature)

The sample SSO implementation does not use any of HWIOAuthBundle's routing definitions and the registration/connect functionality provided by the ConnectController is not used as the registration flow in the bundle lacks flexibility and does not work properly with Pimcore data objects (especially the registration handler expecting a user object to be returned from the form response).

Following you find the three flows the implementation follows for login, registration and connect.

Login Flow

  1. A user is not logged in and is redirected to the login page on /auth/login.

  2. On the login page, the user can

    1. authenticate via form login
    2. via social login (e.g. Twitter, Google) or
    3. can continue to a registration action on /auth/register.
  3. If he submits the login form, the normal Symfony form_login authenticator does its work and tries to authenticate the user by fetching a user by username from the user provider and matching the given password with the password encoder.

  4. For authentication via social login the user ...

    1. clicks on one of the social login buttons, the link points to /auth/oauth/login/google (or twitter), depending on the link he clicked.
    2. This route points to HWIOAuthBundle:Connect:redirectToService which starts the OAuth flow, builds an authorization URL for the given service and redirects the user to the provider/resource owner (e.g. Google).
    3. There the user can log in with his credentials (e.g. Google login) and grant access to our application.
    4. The provider returns the user to our site by redirecting to the URL given in the oauth.resource_owners configuration section inside the firewall (see sample). In our case this is /auth/oauth/check/google.
    5. This is a virtual URL not pointing to any controller - instead the HWIOAuthBundle configured its OAuthListener so listen on this path for incoming requests.
    6. The OAuthListener transforms the request into a UserResponseInterface containing the OAuth response and various other information fetched from the provider and passes this response to the configured user provider implementing OAuthAwareUserProviderInterface.
    7. The user provider will try to fetch a user from the given response. In our case, it will query the SsoIdentityService for a customer with the given user id (e.g. the account ID on google) and the name of the resource owner (e.g. Google).
      1. If a user is found, the user provider will return the user object and this user object is used as security token which defines a logged in state on the firewall. The authentication system will redirect to the success URL and the login is complete.
      2. If no user is found, the user provider will throw an AccountNotLinkedException and redirect to the failure URL, which in our case is the login page. This exception contains the OAuth access token fetched before and allows us to re-fetch a UserResponseInterface containing the remote profile data and start a registration flow. Implicitly, symfony's security system will store the exception in the session to be retrieved in further requests (this is not OAuth specific but also done when a form_login request yields an error to show an error message when re-rendering the form).

Registration Flow

After the login flow threw an AccountNotLinkedException, we can use the exception to link the granted OAuth account during registration (see AuthController in the sample for details) to the new registered user:

The user is redirected to /auth/login as it is configured as failure_path which should be used in case of authentication exceptions. The login page fetches and deletes the last authentication error from the session if the error is ...

  1. ... no AccountNotLinkedException it just proceeds rendering the form, shows the error message as alert and the flow ends here.
  2. If the error is an AccountNotLinkedException, ...
    1. it generates a random ID (a UUID in our case) and uses the OAuthRegistrationHandler to store the OAuth token in the session for that given ID.
    2. Afterwards it redirects to the registration page and passes the ID as parameters. We're now on something like /auth/register/f717b8c2-f95f-4cdb-ab84-b3c5882984e6. The ID logic is not strictly needed (we could also just save the OAuth token to the session), but this variant makes sure we really deal with the account we just granted. See OAuthRegistrationHandler for details - you can just use your own implementation, handling it the way you need it.
    3. The registration page checks if there's a key in the request and tries to load the token from the session. If a token is found and matches the expiration/timestamp constraints, the token is used to fetch user profile data from the resource owner (e.g. Google). This data is used to prepopulate the registration form (e.g. prefill the e-mail field with the e-mail provided in the OAuth profile).
    4. When the form is submitted and valid, the submission is handled by the same registration action as the one rendering the form.
      1. If the form is valid, the customer object created before will be saved.
      2. If a token was found, the OAuthRegistrationHandler will delegate connecting the OAuth profile to the customer object. In this process the registration handler uses the AccountConnector to apply profile data (e.g. birthday) to the user object and to create a SsoIdentity containing all the needed data to re-identify the user on subsequent logins. After this step the customer object is created and has the OAuth profile data and the SsoIdentity linked to the account.
    5. As last step, the user will be logged in by creating a security token and saving it on symfony's token storage. After that he will be redirected to the final URL /secure in our case. This step is optional and heavily depends on your use case. You could also flag the user as newly registered and send him an confirmation email to activate the account.

Connect Flow

When a logged in user wants to connect its account to an additional OAuth provider, the connect flow looks like the following:

  1. The user clicks a "Connect to Twitter" button on his profile page (the user is logged in).
  2. The button points to /auth/oauth/connect/twitter which is a route to the oAuthConnectAction on our AuthController.
  3. The connect action uses the OAuthRegistrationHandler to generate an authorization URL and redirects the user to the resource owner (Twitter) where he can log in and give access to his account.
  4. The resource owner redirects to the /auth/oauth/connect/twitter action (as it was specified in the authorization URL). The action now uses the resource owner to fetch a UserResponseInterface with the access token returned from twitter.
  5. If a OAuth response can be fetched, an SsoIdentity is created and linked to the user object. Again, the AccountConnector is used to generate the identity and the SsoIdentityService is used to save it to the user object. The OAuthRegistrationHandler provides a nice facade method to handle all those steps in one method call.
  6. After linking the SsoIdentity the user is redirected back to the user profile.