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Version: Edit on GitHub

Preview Generator


Preview Generators provide services to get more control over the preview tab. They provide a UI component to pass additional parameters to a URL-generator.

Providers need to implement: \Pimcore\Model\DataObject\ClassDefinition\PreviewGeneratorInterface

Parameters returned in the getParams method will be rendered as a select box. Whatever the user chooses will be passed to the generatePreviewUrl method.

Provide a Preview Generator within the Class settings: Preview Generator Setup

Sample PreviewProvider Implementation

namespace App\Service\PreviewParamProvider;

class ProductPreviewParamProvider implements \Pimcore\Model\DataObject\ClassDefinition\PreviewGeneratorInterface
    protected $productLinkGenerator;

    public function __construct(\App\Website\LinkGenerator\ProductLinkGenerator $productLinkGenerator)
        $this->productLinkGenerator = $productLinkGenerator;

     * @param \Pimcore\Model\DataObject\Concrete $object
     * @param array $params
     * @return string
    public function generatePreviewUrl(\Pimcore\Model\DataObject\Concrete $object, array $params): string {
        $additionalParams = [];
        foreach($this->getPreviewConfig($object) as $paramStore) {
            $paramName = $paramStore['name'];
            if($paramValue = $params[$paramName]) {
                $additionalParams[$paramName] = $paramValue;

        return $this->productLinkGenerator->generate($object, $additionalParams);

     * @param \Pimcore\Model\DataObject\Concrete $object
     * @return array
    public function getPreviewConfig(\Pimcore\Model\DataObject\Concrete $object): array {
        return [
                'name' => '_locale',
                'label' => 'Locale',
                'values' => [
                    'English' => 'en',
                    'German' => 'de'
                'defaultValue' => 'en'
                'name' => 'otherParam',
                'label' => 'Other',
                'values' => [
                    'Label Text' => 'value',
                    'Option #2' => 2,
                    'Custom Option' => 'custom'
                'defaultValue' => 'value'

Preview Generator Example UI