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Version: 2024.2

Searching For Data In Index

The Generic Data Index bundle adds standardized and flexible services to search data from the search indices.

Each search is based on a search service (depending on the element type) and a search model defining the search query. The search models can be created with the SearchProviderInterface

The regular way to search for assets, data objects or documents is to use the related search service.

Asset Search Service

Example usage

  • Example: This example loads all assets from the root folder (parent ID 1) and orders them by their full path.
use Pimcore\Bundle\GenericDataIndexBundle\Service\Search\SearchService\SearchProviderInterface;
use Pimcore\Bundle\GenericDataIndexBundle\Service\Search\SearchService\Asset\AssetSearchServiceInterface;
use Pimcore\Bundle\GenericDataIndexBundle\Model\Search\Modifier\Filter\Tree\ParentIdFilter;
use Pimcore\Bundle\GenericDataIndexBundle\Model\Search\Modifier\Sort\Tree\OrderByFullPath;

public function searchAction(SearchProviderInterface $searchProvider, AssetSearchServiceInterface $asserSearchService)
$assetSearch = $searchProvider->createAssetSearch()
->addModifier(new ParentIdFilter(1))
->addModifier(new OrderByFullPath())

$searchResult = $asserSearchService->search($assetSearch);

Data Object Search Service

  • Example: This example loads all data objects from the root folder (parent ID 1) with a specific class definition and orders them by their full path.
use Pimcore\Bundle\GenericDataIndexBundle\Model\Search\Modifier\Filter\Tree\ParentIdFilter;
use Pimcore\Bundle\GenericDataIndexBundle\Model\Search\Modifier\Sort\Tree\OrderByFullPath;
use Pimcore\Bundle\GenericDataIndexBundle\Service\Search\SearchService\DataObject\DataObjectSearchServiceInterface;
use Pimcore\Bundle\GenericDataIndexBundle\Service\Search\SearchService\SearchProviderInterface;

public function searchAction(SearchProviderInterface $searchProvider, DataObjectSearchServiceInterface $dataObjectSearchService)
$dataObjectSearch = $searchProvider->createDataObjectSearch()
->addModifier(new ParentIdFilter(1))
->addModifier(new OrderByFullPath())

$searchResult = $dataObjectSearchService->search($dataObjectSearch);

Document Search Service

  • Example: This example loads all documents from the root folder (parent ID 1) and orders them by their full path.
use Pimcore\Bundle\GenericDataIndexBundle\Model\Search\Modifier\Filter\Tree\ParentIdFilter;
use Pimcore\Bundle\GenericDataIndexBundle\Model\Search\Modifier\Sort\Tree\OrderByFullPath;
use Pimcore\Bundle\GenericDataIndexBundle\Service\Search\SearchService\Document\DocumentSearchServiceInterface;
use Pimcore\Bundle\GenericDataIndexBundle\Service\Search\SearchService\SearchProviderInterface;

public function searchAction(SearchProviderInterface $searchProvider, DocumentSearchServiceInterface $documentSearchService)
$documentSearch = $searchProvider->createDocumentSearch()
->addModifier(new ParentIdFilter(1))
->addModifier(new OrderByFullPath())

$searchResult = $documentSearchService->search($documentSearch);

Element Search Service

The element search service can be used to search for assets, data objects and documents at the same time.

Hint: the element search does not support the calculation of the hasChildren attributes. This means that the hasChildren attribute will always be false for all elements.

  • Example: This example loads all elements which are required by the asset ID 123 and orders them by their full path.
use Pimcore\Bundle\GenericDataIndexBundle\Enum\SearchIndex\ElementType;
use Pimcore\Bundle\GenericDataIndexBundle\Model\Search\Modifier\Filter\Dependency\RequiredByFilter;
use Pimcore\Bundle\GenericDataIndexBundle\Model\Search\Modifier\Sort\Tree\OrderByFullPath;
use Pimcore\Bundle\GenericDataIndexBundle\Service\Search\SearchService\Element\ElementSearchServiceInterface;
use Pimcore\Bundle\GenericDataIndexBundle\Service\Search\SearchService\SearchProviderInterface;

public function searchAction(SearchProviderInterface $searchProvider, ElementSearchServiceInterface $elementSearchService)
$elementSearch = $searchProvider->createElementSearch()
->addModifier(new RequiredByFilter(123, ElementType::ASSET))
->addModifier(new OrderByFullPath())

$searchResult = $elementSearchService->search($elementSearch);

Search Modifiers

To influence the data which gets fetched its possible to use so-called search modifiers. Find out details about search modifiers in the search modifiers documentation. There you will also find information on how to create your own custom search modifiers.

OpenSearch Search Models

The search services mentioned above offer a flexible and structured way to search for assets, data objects and documents. Nevertheless if there are requirements which are not covered by the search services it might be needed to develop your own customized open search queries. The OpenSearch search models offer a streamlined way for executing such customized search queries. They are also used by the search services internally to create the executed OpenSearch search queries.

Take a look at the dedicated OpenSearch search models documentation to find out more.


The search service respects the user permissions and user workspaces in connection to his roles.

Details about permissions and workspaces can be found in the permissions and workspaces documentation.

Pimcore Query Language (PQL)

The Pimcore Query Language (PQL) is a query language which can be used to provide the user a flexible way to define search criteria for data objects, assets and documents.

Debug OpenSearch Queries

To debug the OpenSearch queries which are created by the search service, it is possible to use the following magic parameter in the URL (when debug mode is enabled):

Get ParameterDescription
debug-open-search-queriesWill change the response of the called URL and outputs all executed OpenSearch queries.

It is possible to influence the output verbosity with the value of the parameter (1=normal, 2=verbose, 3=very verbose)