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Version: Edit on GitHub


The editables are placeholders in the templates, which are displayed as input widgets in the admin interface (so called editmode) and output the content in frontend mode. They are the essential part of managing content in documents.

Example Usage

The following code makes the <h1> headline editable in a document:

<h1><?= $this->input("headline") ?></h1>
<h1>{{ pimcore_input("headline") }}</h1>

In some cases, especially with areablocks, editables could throw exceptions. Since Pimcore internally uses the __toString method to render the editables, Pimcore can't throw exceptions there. Therefore Pimcore catches the exception, and puts it out as string if DEBUG Mode is enabled.

To prevent that and to have Pimcore throw the Exception, you can call editables like:

<h1><?= $this->input("headline")->render() ?></h1>
<h1>{{ pimcore_input("headline").render() }}</h1>

Pimcore automatically displays an input widget in the edit mode and renders the content when accessing the document via the frontend.

List of Editables

Name Description
Areablock Areablock is the content construction kit which allows you to insert predefined mini applications / content blocks called bricks into an areablock..
Area Area allows you to use area bricks of a certain type (just like the Areablock).
Block Block is a loop component which can contain other editables.
Checkbox Checkbox / bool implementation for documents.
Date Datepicker, showing the date in a specified format.
Relation Provides possibility to create a reference to any other element in Pimcore (document, asset, object).
Relations (Many-To-Many Relation) Provides possibility to edit multiple references to other elements in Pimcore (documents, assets. object).
Image A place where you can assign an image (from the assets module).
Input A single-line text-input.
Link An editable link component.
Multiselect Multiselect implementation for documents.
Numeric The numeric editable is like the input editable but with special options for numbers (like minimum value, decimal precision...).
PDF This editable allows you to embed asset documents (pdf, doc, xls, ...) into documents (like video, image, ...).
Renderlet The renderlet is a special container which is able to handle every object in Pimcore (Documents, Assets, Objects).
Select Select box as an editable.
Snippet (embed) Use the snippet editable to embed a reusable document, for example to create teasers, boxes, etc.
Table This editable allows you to add a fully editable table.
Textarea Textarea implementation for documents.
Video Use the Video editable to insert asset movies in pages content.
Scheduled Block Scheduled Blocks allow to schedule content for certain timestamps