Backup of Pimcore
We recommend the usage of standard tools depending on your infrastructure for creating a backup of your Pimcore instance.
No matter which solution your're using, it's crucial to back up the following components:
- All files in your project root, however you can normally exclude the following directories
- The entire database
Poor man's backup using Unix tools
We definitely recommend to use a professional backup solution depending on your infrastructure, but sometimes a poor man's backup can be quite handy :)
# change directory to your project root
cd /var/www/your/project/
# create an archive of the entire project root, excluding temporary files
tar cfv /tmp/my-poor-mans-backup.tar ./
# create the mysql dump
mysqldump -u youruser -p yourdatabase > /tmp/my-poor-mans-backup.sql
# put the dump into the tar archive
tar rf /tmp/my-poor-mans-backup.tar /tmp/my-poor-mans-backup.sql
# zip the archive (of course you can also use xz or any other tool)
gzip /tmp/my-poor-mans-backup.tar