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Version: 2024.2

Extending Interaction Actions

Implementing Interaction Types

Concrete implementations for generating results is done via Interaction Types and referenced with the type option in the configuration. To implement an interaction type, implement InteractionTypeInterface and register class as service in symfony container with tag pimcore.copilot.interaction_type.

- { name: "pimcore.copilot.interaction_type" }

All tagged services are registered to a factory with service name as a key. This factory is used by Pimcore Copilot to instantiate needed interaction type implementations based on their type. Mapping between configuration and implementation is done via service name of interaction type.

Interaction type implementation also defines then what JS component to be used. A chatInteractionAdapter is available. More complex use cases might require more sophisticated implementations.

Implemented Sample

Implemented sample utilizes ChatGPT for generating text and applying it to a data object data field. Sample configuration looks as follows:

context_limitations: ['object_event']
search_terms: ['event description', 'generate description']
type: 'Pimcore\Bundle\PimcoreCopilotBundle\InteractionAction\OpenAiTextPrompt'
template: |
We have an event with title {{ subject.title }} that starts at {{ subject.fromDate }} and ends at {{ subject.toDate }}.
{%% if subject.description %%}
Optimize following description and include all information: {{ subject.description | raw }}
{%% else %%}
Generate a short description for that event.
{%% endif %%}
model: 'gpt-4o'
target_field: 'description'
target_field_localized: true
icon: null

Inline Help Data

To add inline help data for your custom interaction action, you need to provide a twig template that will be used to render the help data in the UI. Therefore, you need to implement the Pimcore\Bundle\CopilotBundle\InlineHelpData\InlineHelpDataInterface with your custom interaction action. The interface contains a getInlineHelpTemplateFileName method that returns the path and name of the twig template.


public function getInlineHelpTemplateFileName(): string
return '@PimcoreCopilot/InlineHelp/InteractionAction/Type/open_ai_text_prompt.html.twig';

