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Version: 2024.2

Filter Data Objects

This action can be executed as step to filter data objects based on the Pimcore Query Language (PQL). It will filter the data objects based on the provided query and add the filtered data objects to the job run context.


Please be aware that the elements will be filtered without taking permissions into account.

Configuration Options

#Filter data objects based on PQL
pql_filter: 'series = "E-Type" AND (color = "green" OR productionYear < 1965)'

#Class ID of the data object
class_id: CAR

Detailed Configuration Options

  • pql_filter: PQL query to filter data objects.
  • class_id: Class ID of the data object.

Job Run Context

The filtered data objects will be added to the job run context with the key filtered_data_objects. Applying the above configuration to the Pimcore demo project will add the filtered data objects to the job run context as shown below:

0 => [
"subtype" => "Car",
"id" => 14,
"type" => "object"
1 => [
"subtype" => "Car",
"id" => 9,
"type" => "object"
2 => [
"subtype" => "Car",
"id" => 10,
"type" => "object"

Examples and further information on PQL

For examples and further information on Pimcore Query Language (PQL), please refer to the Generic Data Index documentation.