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Version: 2024.2

Resolver Settings

Resolver settings are responsible to define to which Pimcore data imported data should be imported to and consists of following parts:

Resolver SettingsResolver SettingsResolver Settings


Define the Pimcore data object class of the imported data.

Element Loading

Define a strategy the importer should use for looking for existing Pimcore data objects in order to update them instead of creating new data objects.

Following strategies are available:

Loading Strategy: No Loading

Does not look for any existing Pimcore data objects. Import always creates new data objects.

Loading Strategy: Id

Look for data objects based on their id.

  • Data Source Index: Field of import that contains the id to look for.

Loading Strategy: Path

Look for data objects based on their full path.

  • Data Source Index: Field of import that contains the path to look for.

Loading Strategy: Attribute

Look for data objects based on a specific attribute (e.g. Remote Id, EAN, ...).

  • Data Source Index: Field of import that contains the attribute value to look for.
  • Attribute Name: Attribute of data object to look for.

Element Creation

Define location of new created data objects.

Location Strategy: Static Path

Always put new elements to a fixed specific folder.

  • Path: Folder where to put new elements to.

Location Strategy: Find Parent

Find parent based on a strategy.

  • Find Strategy: Strategy find to parent
    • Loading Strategy Id: Load based on id.
    • Loading Strategy Path: Load based on full path.
    • Loading Strategy Attribute: Load based on data attribute with additional settings:
      • Class: Data object class to look for (can be different one that the imported data object class)
      • Attribute Name: Attribute of data object to look for.
  • Data Source Index: Field of import that contains the value to look for.
  • Fallback Path: Folder to use if parent cannot be found.

Element Location Update

Define location updates of data objects. The importer applies the location update strategy to all imported data objects - no matter if they are updated or created.

For details on the strategies see Element Creation above. In addition, there is a No Change strategy that does not change the location of elements at all.

Element Publishing

Define a strategy to set the published state of data object during import.

Following strategies are available:

  • Always Publish: Always publishes new created or updated data objects.
  • Attribute Based: Set publish state based on a field of the import data.
  • No Change, Publish New: Do not change existing data objects and set new data objects to published.
  • No Change, Unpublish New: Do not change existing data objects and set new data objects to unpublished.