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Version: 2024.2

Index Management

It is important to index all assets and data object in Pimcore in order to be able to use the search and listing features powered by the Generic Data Index bundle.

Define Index Prefix

To avoid duplicate names or index interferences in your search engine, it is necessary to define an index name prefix, which is added to all indices created by Generic Data Index. Default one is pimcore_.

This can be done by defining following configuration:

index_prefix: 'my_prefix' # Prefix for all index names created by Generic Data Index

Created Indices

The Generic Data Index generates indices for the following entities:

  • Assets search index (one alias and one index)
  • Data objects search index (one alias and one index per class definition)

For the asset and data object indices the Generic Data Index uses an alias (e.g. <index_prefix>_asset) that points to the most current index (e.g. <index_prefix>_asset-odd). The alias name always stays the same, the index names alternate between -odd and -even suffix. For more details also see 'Updating index structure for data indices' in the next section.

Keeping Indices Up to Date

The element search indices need to be created via the following console commands:

# create/update all indices + their mappings and add all items to the index queue
bin/console generic-data-index:update:index

The command will create the indices and add all assets and data objects to the index queue. The queue will be processed by Symfony messenger workers (pimcore_generic_data_index_queue queue).

Refreshing of the index

By default, the index queue is refreshed after each bulk operation as the items are processed asynchronously with the Symfony messenger. If you want to perform index refresh immediately you can use enable synchronous processing by injecting the SynchronousProcessingServiceInterface and calling enable() method.

Available methods:

  • enable(): enable synchronous processing
  • disable(): disable synchronous processing
  • isEnabled(): check if synchronous processing is enabled

Index Queue Options

The indexing queue considers the following options:

  • worker_count (default 1): number of messenger workers to process the queue. Set this to the actual used parallel number of messenger:consume workers to improve the calculation of items per batch.
  • min_batch_size (default 5): minimum number of items to process in one batch (when using multiple workers)
  • max_batch_size (default 400): maximum number of items to process in one batch

Based on this configuration, the queue will be processed in batches of min_batch_size to max_batch_size items. The number of items per batch is calculated based on the number of workers and the number of items in the queue.

Sample configuration:

worker_count: 1
min_batch_size: 5
max_batch_size: 400

Repairing Indices

Sometimes it might be needed to delete and recreate the index (for example if the mapping changed and cannot be updated).

Do this with the index update command and pass -r option.

# delete index and recreate it
bin/console generic-data-index:update:index -r

Updating Index Structure for Data Indices

Index mapping is updated automatically e.g. when adding system languages or new fields to the class definition. Sometimes it might be necessary to update the index structure manually.

Do this with the reindex command.

# updates index mapping with native reindexing
bin/console generic-data-index:reindex

Handling Failed Messages

By default, the messenger will retry failed messages 3 times and then send them into the failed queue pimcore_generic_data_index_failed. If you want to retry failed messages, you can use the following command:

php bin/console messenger:failed:retry -vv

For the further commands please refer to the Symfony Messenger documentation.

Configuring the Maximum Item Limit

A maximum of 10000 items can be retrieved and viewed, because of the maximum default item limit. To increase this limit, configuration can be adjusted as follows:

max_result_window: 20000

If an index was already created before setting this parameter, the index needs to be recreated.

bin/console generic-data-index:update:index -r

Deployment and Index Management

Pimcore Class Definitions

After every class definition update you should run the following command to update the index structure:

php bin/console generic-data-index:deployment:reindex

This command will update the index structure for all data object classes which were created/updated since the last deployment and reindex all data objects for relevant classes.