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Version: 2024.2

Google Analytics

In order to use Google Analytics you have to install the PimcoreGoogleMarketingBundle. Make sure to enable it in the bundles.php

Disabling the Google Analytics Code

Injecting the code can be disabled by calling disable() in the GoogleAnalyticsCodeListener. For example, in a controller action in an autowired controller:


namespace App\Controller;

use Pimcore\Bundle\GoogleMarketingBundle\EventListener\Frontend\GoogleAnalyticsCodeListener;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

class TestController
public function testAction(GoogleAnalyticsCodeListener $analyticsCodeListener): Response

// ...

Of course you can also inject the listener into a custom service.

Customizing the tracking code

If you want to influence the generated tracking code, you have multiple possibilities to do so. The tracker code is divided into multiple code blocks which can be expanded and altered individually. As reference, please see:

  • the definition of available blocks in the Tracker implementation
  • the templates which are rendered when generating the tracking code and which define where the content of each blocks is rendered

Adding code to a block

The central part of the Google tracking is the Pimcore\Bundle\GoogleMarketingBundle\Tracker\Tracker class which is defined as service and which provides a addCodePart() method which allows you to add custom code snippets to a specific block:


namespace App\Controller;

use Pimcore\Bundle\GoogleMarketingBundle\Tracker\Tracker;
use Pimcore\Bundle\GoogleMarketingBundle\SiteId\SiteId;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

class ContentController
public function defaultAction(Tracker $tracker): Response
// append a part to the default block

// append a part to a specific block
$tracker->addCodePart('console.log("foo");', Tracker::BLOCK_BEFORE_TRACK);

// prepend a part to a specific block
$tracker->addCodePart('console.log("foo");', Tracker::BLOCK_AFTER_TRACK, true);

// you can also add the code only for a specific site
// if you want to do so, you need to pass a SiteId object which identifies a tracking site
$tracker->addCodePart('console.log("foo");', Tracker::BLOCK_AFTER_TRACK, true, SiteId::forMainDomain());

// ...

Influencing generated code through the CODE_TRACKING_DATA event

Before the tracking code is generated, the GoogleAnalyticsEvents::CODE_TRACKING_DATA event is dispatched which gives you full control over the generated code:


namespace App\EventListener;

use Pimcore\Bundle\GoogleMarketingBundle\Model\Event\TrackingDataEvent;
use Pimcore\Bundle\GoogleMarketingBundle\Tracker\Tracker;
use Pimcore\Bundle\GoogleMarketingBundle\Event\GoogleAnalyticsEvents;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;

class GoogleTrackingCodeListener implements EventSubscriberInterface
public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
return [
GoogleAnalyticsEvents::CODE_TRACKING_DATA => 'onTrackingData'

public function onTrackingData(TrackingDataEvent $event): void
// append data to a block

// completely empty the after track block

// the data array is the data which will be passed to the template
$data = $event->getData();
$data['foo'] = 'bar';


// you can also completely replace the rendered template

Overriding the rendered template

As you can see in the sample event listener above, you can change the template which will be used for the tracking code. If you set a custom template, you can extend the core one and just override the blocks you want:

{# templates/Analytics/Tracking/Google/Analytics/universalTrackingCode.html.twig #}
{% extends "@PimcoreGoogleMarketing/Analytics/Tracking/Google/Analytics/universalTrackingCode.html.twig" %}

{% block track %}
{{ parent() }}

console.log('hello world');
{% endblock %}

{% block afterScriptTag %}
{{ parent() }}

<script type="text/javascript">
console.log('foo bar!');
{% endblock %}