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Version: 2024.2

WYSIWYG Editable


Similar to Textarea and Input you can use the WYSIWYG editable in the templates to provide rich-text editing. TinyMce is installed by default in our demo. Another editor can be installed via the wysiwyg-events you find in events.js


heightboolSet true to reload the page in editmode after selecting an item
widthintegerWidth of the select box in pixel
classstringA CSS class that is added to the surrounding container of this element in editmode
placeholderstringA text shown in the field when it is empty to guide the user about the expected type of input.
defaultValuestringA default value for the available options. Note: This value needs to be saved before calling getData() or use setDataFromResource().
requiredboolean(default: false) set to true to make field value required for publish


{{ pimcore_wysiwyg("myWYSIWYG", {
"height": 600,
"width": 1100,
"placeholder": "Enter you content"
}) }}

Enable TinyMce

In Pimcore 11 the default editor changed from CKEditor to TinyMCE and has been moved into PimcoreTinymceBundle. Check the bundle readme for installation instructions.

Add a Custom Editor

Make sure that you add the Editor to pimcore.wysiwyg.editors. This array can be used to have different editors for different use cases (documents, objects ...):

if(!parent.pimcore.wysiwyg) {
parent.pimcore.wysiwyg = {};
parent.pimcore.wysiwyg.editors = [];

The Editor als needs to dispatch the to set the value from the WYSIWYG-Field in the core.

document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(, {
detail: {
e: eChange,
data: tinymce.activeEditor.getContent(), //text of the editor-field
context: e.detail.context //the context in which the editor is registered (object, document ...)

Please use the events from event.js to bind your Editor on the field and to configure it. For more details please take a look at the TinymceBundle.

Extending symfony HTML sanitizer configuration

Wysiwyg editables are using symfony HTML sanitizer in order to clean the HTML content from unwanted tags and parameters. Default configuration is defined like this:

p: ['class', 'style']
strong: 'class'
em: 'class'
h1: 'class'
a: ['class', 'href', 'target', 'title', 'rel']
table: ['class', 'style', 'cellspacing', 'cellpadding', 'border', 'width', 'height']
colgroup: 'class'
col: ['class', 'style']
tbody: 'class'
tr: 'class'
td: 'class'
ul: ['class', 'style']
li: ['class', 'style']
ol: ['class', 'style']

If you want to adapt this configuration please have a look at the symfony documentation. Add your custom configuration to you project, e.g. to config/packages/html_sanitizer.yaml

Note: When using API to set WYSIWYG data, please pass encoded characters for html entities e.g. <,>, & etc. The data is encoded by the sanitizer before persisting into db and the same encoded data will be returned by the API.