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Version: 2024.2


The portal engine integrates the Pimcore Statistics Explorer to get statistics about the data contained in a portal and for certain tracked user interactions.

Statistics Area Brick

You will find a statistics area brick which can be embedded into portal engine portal and content pages within the "Content" group.

This brick can be used to create a customized dashboard which shows useful statistics.

The following statistics currently are integrated out-of-the-box.

Statistics from data pool OpenSearch indices

Data object types

Pie chart with the number of data object elements summed up for each data object class definition.

Asset types

Pie chart with the number of asset elements summed up for each different asset type (image, video, document...).

Asset storage by types

Pie chart with the total amount of consumed storage for assets summed up for each different asset type (image, video, document...).

Statistics from statistics trackers

The portal engine tracks logins and downloads with a statistics tracker into additional OpenSearch indices.

The trackers work like described in the Statistics Explorer documentation. There you will find additional information on the index structure and about housekeeping the indices/delete outdated statistics information.

Logins during last 6 months per week

Amount of logins during the last 6 months per week.

Most downloaded assets

Top ten most downloaded assets.

Downloads over time

Number of downloads within the last 6 months per week.

Downloads over time by context

Number of downloads within the last 6 months separated by download context (per week):

  • Multi Download
  • Single Download
  • Direct Download Shortcut
  • Cart
  • Total Collection Data Pool
  • Total Guest Share Data Pool

Downloads over time by thumbnail

Number of downloads within the last 6 months separated by thumbnail definition (per week).