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Version: 2024.2

Frontend folder structure

The following chapter contains a deep dive into the folder structure of the frontend application and some important additional information. It provides an overview of the frontend architecture and should help you to locate the files you need.

The assets folder

The assets folder serves as root folder for the whole frontend application.

  • assets/fonts
    Self-hosted web font files.
  • assets/icons
    SVG icons
  • assets/images
    Static images (e.g. placeholder image).
  • assets/scripts
    JS files and JSX components. See The assets/scripts folder below for more details.
  • assets/styles
    SCSS files for the base styling

The assets/scripts folder

The assets/scripts is home for all JavaScript files. It contains all JSX components, the whole frontend application logic and entry files for all pages.

  • components
    Generic JSX components that are used throughout the whole application
  • consts
    Global constants (e.g. media query breakpoints, fetching state types)
  • features
    All JSX components and logic concerning one feature of the application. See Feature folders below for more details.
  • pages
    Entry files for different pages and shared initialization files. Although most parts of the application are rendered on the client, the portal engine is not a single page application. The portal engine uses server side routing and only mounts one part of the frontend application on each page through these entry files. All entry files have to be listed in the webpack.config.js. The subfolder \assets\scripts\pages\shared contains the shared React root component AppRoot.js and some JavaScript files which are used by all entry files.
  • sliceHelper
    Shared feature slice helper functions.
  • utils
    Shared utility functions.
  • entry.js
    Shared global initialization function for all entry files.
  • store.js
    Global redux store that contains the whole application state.

Feature folders

The assets/scripts/features folder consists of multiple subfolders. Each of these subfolders contains all JSX components and logic concerning one part (or feature) of the application. Every feature folder usually contains the following content:

  • components folder
    JSX components for a specific feature. Some of these components are connected to the store through the redux connect function. The connect function takes the arguments mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps and returns a function that takes a JSX component. The result of this call is a connected component. The mapStateToProps uses selector functions to read data from the application store and maps the data to the component's props. mapDispatchToProps defines which action creators should be used to create and dispatch actions in response to component events. Some components do not include any JSX and only connect generic components to a feature slice of the global application state (e.g. pagination components).
  • {FEATURE_NAME}-actions.js
    Action creator functions and action type constants. Action creators are responsible for creating action objects. Action objects describe events that happened in the application. This could be an user interaction, the fulfillment of a fetch request or some other event. An action object contains a required type and an optional payload to describe the event further. Action type constants are string identifiers that are used as types for action objects and by reducers.
  • {FEATURE_NAME}-api.js
    Api functions handle the communication with the backend.
  • {FEATURE_NAME}-reducer.js
    A reducer function with some initial state for the feature slice. The reducer function is responsible for updating the feature slice state in response to actions. It is called with the previous state slice and the current action object every time an action is dispatched. Reducers must not include any side effects like manipulating external state, making fetch requests or generating random numbers or identifiers.
  • {FEATURE_NAME}-selectors.js
    Selector functions get data from the global application store. A selector function takes the application state and any number of additional arguments and returns pieces of the state or some derived data.

You can find further information about these concepts on the Redux Website.