Customizing Results
Depending on context and use case it might be necessary to customize the result before printing it to the reports.
Use cases might be
- Adding additional filters due to user permissions
- Enriching result data with additional information, e.g. nice names, links, ...
- Customizing table template for including links etc.
With statistics explorer, this can be archived by subscribing to events.
Event DataFilterModificationEvent
- Fires after filter condition for data request is generated and allows to modify the filter
- Available information
- Context
- Configuration (if it is a saved configuration)
- Data source name
- Statistics mode (
- Changeable information
- Filter
Event DataPreQueryEvent
- Fires just before query is sent to storage backend and allows to modify the query
- Available information
- Context
- Configuration (if it is a saved configuration)
- Data source name
- Statistics mode (
- Changeable information
- Query (Elasticsearch/Opensearch query array, sql statement)
Event DataResultEvent
- Fires before statistics data result is returned to controller and allows to modify the result
- Available information
- Context
- Configuration (if it is a saved configuration)
- Data source name
- Statistics mode (
- Changeable information
- StatisticsResult
Event TableRenderEvent
- Fires before table template is rendered and allows to modify template name and its parameters
- Available information
- Context
- Configuration (if it is a saved configuration)
- Data source name
- Statistics mode (
- Changeable information
- template
- parameters