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Version: 2024.2

Work with Workflow Automation Integration

The Workflow Automation Integration functionality can be accessed from the sidebar menu in the Tools > Automation Blueprints section.

Automation Blueprints AccessAutomation Blueprints AccessAutomation Blueprints Access

Download Automation Blueprints

The Automation Blueprints window displays the list of all GraphQL and webhook endpoints configured in Pimcore Datahub and available according to the user's permissions and the following restrictions:

  • For GraphQL endpoints, the configuration must have a query or a mutation schema defined.
  • For webhook endpoints, the configuration must listen to the pimcore.dataobject.postAdd and pimcore.dataobject.postUpdate events have a Schema defined for Data Object.

Datahub Configs available for WAIDatahub Configs available for WAIDatahub Configs available for WAI

For each item in the list, you can download automation blueprints in a JSON file - that you can further import and execute in n8n - from the right dropdown menu. The options available in this menu depend on your endpoint's type and Schema Definition.

GraphQL Blueprints

For a GraphQL endpoint you can download blueprints to:

  • n8n Export *Object*: Export the attributes of Data Objects corresponding to an Entity defined in your Query Schema Gear IconGear IconGear Icon in a spreadsheet. A workspace with Read permission must be defined for Data Objects in Security Definition.

Only the following attributes are supported for exports - all other attributes considered in the Query Schema will not appear in the final spreadsheet:

  • Generic Attributes:
    • ID
    • Key/Path
  • Data Objects:
    • Text
    • Number
    • Date
    • Select
    • Localized Field
    • Checkbox
  • n8n Update *Object*: Update the first text field of Data Objects corresponding to an Entity defined in your Query Schema Gear IconGear IconGear Icon with the Update option enabled as Mutation Schema. A workspace with Update permission must be defined for Data Objects in Security Definition.
  • n8n Update Asset: Update the first metadata field of Assets corresponding to an Entity defined in your Query Schema Gear IconGear IconGear Icon with the Update option enabled as Mutation Schema. A workspace with Update permission must be defined for Assets in Security Definition.

Available options for GraphQL endpointAvailable options for GraphQL endpointAvailable options for GraphQL endpoint

Webhook Blueprints

For a Data Objects-focused webhook endpoint, you can download a Process Item blueprint to listen to your webhook, update your Objects' first text attribute and write the corresponding data in a spreadsheet.

Your webhook Datahub configuration needs:

  • to have an Entity defined in Schema Definition Data Objects;
  • to listen to pimcore.dataobject.postUpdate and pimcore.dataobject.postAdd.

When downloading your automation blueprint, you need to add a valid webhook URL of your n8n instance in the related field. This URL consists of:

  • the http:// or https:// protocol;
  • the host name of your n8n instance;
  • the /webhook/ or /webhook-test/ path - webhook-test being used by default for testing purposes.

For example, a webhook URL could be: