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Version: 2024.3

Deployment Tools

Following tools are provided by Pimcore to support deployment processes.

Pimcore Configurations

All Pimcore configurations are saved as YAML or PHP files on the file system. As a result they can be included into version control systems and by utilizing the multi environment feature different configuration files for different deployment stages can be defined.

Pimcore Class Definitions

As with Pimcore configurations also Pimcore class definitions are saved as PHP configuration files and therefore can be added to version control systems and be deployed to different deployment stages.

The PHP configuration files and PHP classes will be written to the var/classes directory by default. To disallow modification and turn a class to be read-only, you can create a copy at config/pimcore/classes.

Regarding the class modification, there is also an optional env variable PIMCORE_CLASS_DEFINITION_WRITABLE that can be considered and set.

  • 0 To disallow completely write access, including the creation of new classes.
  • 1 To allow the modification, including the classes in config/pimcore/classes that normally are read-only.
  • when not set classes in config/pimcore/classes are read-only, but new classes are allowed and will be created in var/classes.

With the env variable PIMCORE_CLASS_DEFINITION_DIRECTORY you can specify the directory to search for your class definitions if you do not want pimcore to search in var/classes or config/pimcore/classes.

Note: Changes on Pimcore class definitions not only have influence to configuration files but also on the database. If deploying changes between different deployment stages also database changes need to be deployed. This can be done with the pimcore:deployment:classes-rebuild command.

After every code update you should use the pimcore:deployment:classes-rebuild command to push changes to the database.

./bin/console pimcore:deployment:classes-rebuild

To create new classes from your configuration files in the database you can use the create-classes option.

./bin/console pimcore:deployment:classes-rebuild --create-classes

If you use Composer's autoloader optimization, you have to register the newly created classes via:

composer dump-autoload --optimize

As an alternative also class export to json-files and the class import commands can be used.

./bin/console pimcore:definition:import:objectbrick /brick_jsonfile_path.json

./bin/console pimcore:definition:import:fieldcollection /collection_jsonfile_path.json

./bin/console pimcore:definition:import:class /class_jsonfile_path.json

Pimcore Console

The Pimcore Console provides several useful tasks for deployment. These tasks can be integrated into custom deployment workflows and tools. One example for them would be the Pimcore class definitions as described above.

To get a list of all available commands use ./bin/console list.

Potentially useful commands:

pimcore:mysql-toolsOptimize and warm up mysql database
pimcore:search-backend-reindexRe-indexes the backend search of Pimcore (only available if you have installed the simpleBackendSearchBundle)
pimcore:cache:clearClear Pimcore core caches
cache:clearClear Symfony caches
pimcore:cache:warmingWarm up caches
pimcore:classificationstore:delete-storeDelete Classification Store
pimcore:definition:import:classImport Class definition from a JSON export
pimcore:definition:import:customlayoutImport Customlayout definition from a JSON export
pimcore:definition:import:fieldcollectionImport FieldCollection definition from a JSON export
pimcore:definition:import:objectbrickImport ObjectBrick definition from a JSON export
pimcore:definition:import:unitsImport Quantity value units definition from a JSON export
pimcore:deployment:classes-rebuildRebuilds classes and db structure based on updated var/classes/definition_*.php files
pimcore:thumbnails:imageGenerate image thumbnails, useful to pre-generate thumbnails in the background. Use --processes option for parallel processing.
pimcore:thumbnails:optimize-imagesOptimize file size of all images in web/var/tmp
pimcore:thumbnails:videoGenerate video thumbnails, useful to pre-generate thumbnails in the background. Use --processes option for parallel processing.

Find more about the Pimcore Console on the dedicated page.

Content migration

The content migration between environments is not provided by Pimcore and it's not recommended at all.

The content should be created by editors in the production environment and visibility on the frontend can be managed by built-in features like publishing / unpublishing / versioning / scheduling / preview the effect in editmode.

Therefore, editors shouldn't work on different stages.

Of course, the content migration is possible but this is always a very individual task depending on data model, environments and use cases.

If you need some kind of content migration utilize the PHP API for assets, objects and documents for doing so.