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Version: 2024.2


Configuration takes places in configuration files or can be applied directly in Pimcore backend userinterface.

Config UIConfig UIConfig UI

Configuration Options


It is possible to configure multiple OpenID Connect providers in parallel. For each provider and separate login button will be displayed on Pimcore login page. This login button redirects to OpenID Connect provider and starts the OpenID flow.

Each provider has to have a unique name.

On provider side, you normally need to configure an application to allow Pimcore to access. Following informations you might need from Pimocore for that:

  • Redirect URL: https://<YOUR_PIMCORE_DOMAIN>/oidc/endpoint
  • Allowed scopes: openid profile groups email (see also settings below)

Following configuration values are necessary per provider on Pimcore side and be available as soon as the application on provider side is setup:

  • client_id: Client ID provided by the provider.
  • client_secret: Client secret provided by the provider.
  • url_discovery: Endpoint for openid configuration discovery, based on Typically it is something like <PROVIDER_DOMAIN>/.well-known/openid-configuration.

Optionally, following additional options can be provided for each provider:

  • scopes: Customize the scopes for the OpenId Connect flow. By default, openid, profile, email and groups is set as scope. openid will always be added automatically, as it is required for any OpenId Connect flow.
  • load_user_info: Sometimes it is necessary to also call the user info endpoint of the provider to get all the necessary information about the user as the id-token does not contain it. Setting this setting to true will initiate this additional call. If not necessary, it should be prevented, as it slows down the sign-on process.
  • claim_mapping: Some provides do not apply to claim names of the OpenId Connect standard. With this setting you can configure custom names for the supported claims preferred_username (contains the username), given_name, family_name, email, groups (should contain an array of groups the user is assigned to), picture (URL to fetch the user avatar) and sub (remote-id of the user).

Default Provider

Optionally it is possible to configure a default provider with its name. Once set, Pimcore automatically redirects to the providers login page (or directly logs in the current user) instead of redirecting to the Pimcore login page.

If default provider is set, it is still possible to open Pimcore login page when entering its url (https://<YOUR_DOMAIN>/admin/login) directly to login with local user accounts.

Configuration Storage

The configuration user interface utilizes the LocationAwareConfigRepository for storing the configuration. In the symfony tree the storage location can be configured, possible values are

  • symfony-config - write configs as Symfony Config as YAML files to /var/config/oidc/pimcore_open_id_connect.yaml
  • settings-store - write configs to the SettingsStore
  • disabled - do not allow to edit/write configs at all

Details also see Pimcore Docs.


type: 'symfony-config'
directory: '/var/www/html/var/config/oidc'

Additionally, it is also possible to define the configuration directly in a symfony configuration file without using the configuration user interface. In this case, the configuration user interface is just read only.

Sample Configuration File

default_provider: onelogin

client_id: <CLIENT_ID>
client_secret: <CLIENT_SECRET>
url_discovery: https://<USERNAME>
client_id: <CLIENT_ID>
client_secret: <CLIENT_SECRET>
url_discovery: https://<USERNAME>
load_user_info: true
- profile
- email
- groups
preferred_username: preferred_username
given_name: given_name
family_name: family_name
email: email
groups: groups
picture: picture
sub: sub


The bundle provides a debug window for setting up the OpenId Connect integrations. It is located in the settings menu of the toolbar in the users sub menu. The debug window lists all the configured providers, allows to send test sign-on requests and see the response of the providers in order to setup the claim mappings properly.

Debug WindowDebug WindowDebug Window