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Version: 2024.2

Permissions and Workspaces

The Generic Data Index bundle respects the user permissions and user workspaces in connection to his roles.

User workspace permissions are respected by the search service and are attached by using the search modifier to the search query. These permissions are then returned as a part of the search result item.

Permission Manipulation

If there is a need to manipulate the workspace permissions, e.g. for specific asset path, it is possible to do so via events:

  • Pimcore\Bundle\GenericDataIndexBundle\Event\DataObject\PermisisonEvent for data objects
  • Pimcore\Bundle\GenericDataIndexBundle\Event\Asset\PermisisonEvent for assets
  • Pimcore\Bundle\GenericDataIndexBundle\Event\Document\PermisisonEvent for documents

You can define your event listener and adapt the permissions as needed. In this example we want to restrict view and list permissions for a specific asset path:


namespace AppBundle\EventSubscriber;

use Pimcore\Bundle\GenericDataIndexBundle\Event\Asset\PermissionEvent;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;

class AssetPermissionSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
return [
PermissionEvent::class => 'adaptPermissions',

public function adaptPermissions(PermissionEvent $event): void
$permissions = $event->getPermissions();

$asset = $event->getElement();
if ($asset->getFullPath() === '/path/to/your/asset') {


User Permissions

Additionally, to the workspace permissions, the user permissions are also respected by the search service. The user permissions (assets, objects, documents) are checked before the search query is constructed.