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Version: 2024.2

Working with the Generic Execution Engine

Working with the Generic Execution Engine consists of the several steps.

Define Jobs

Jobs are defined and configured via Pimcore\Bundle\GenericExecutionEngineBundle\Model\Job objects which contain a name, steps (with defined message class and optional step specific configuration), selected elements and environment data (e.g. content that is entered by a user and that should be available in job step handlers).

Create a job as follows

$job = new Job(
new JobStep('Step 1', MyFirstTestMessage::class, '', []),
new JobStep('Step 2', MySecondTestMessage::class, '', []),
[new ElementDescriptor('object', 234)],
'foo' => 'bar'

Executing Jobs and Managing Job Runs

Execution of jobs is done via [Pimcore\Bundle\GenericExecutionEngineBundle\Agent\JobExecutionAgentInterface] service, which provides all sorts of methods for executing and managing running jobs.

To execute a job use the startJobExecution method which accepts 3 arguments:

  1. The job object
  2. Owner ID (optional) - the ID of the user who owns the job run
  3. Execution context (optional) - the context in which the job should be executed. This is used for example to get the translation domain (by default admin) for localized messages.
$jobExecutionAgent->startJobExecution($job, null, 'my-custom-context');

Be aware that the execution engine does not retry failed messages.

dsn: 'doctrine://default?queue_name=pimcore_generic_execution_engine'
max_retries: 0 # no retries to prevent data corruption

Job Runs

Job Runs are the entity for storing information about runs of a job. There is the [Pimcore\Bundle\GenericExecutionEngineBundle\Repository\JobRunRepositoryInterface] for all kind of CRUD operations on job runs.

Localization of Current Message

The current message of a job run can be localized. That means, that in user interface, the message is translated into the users' language. To ease handling of these messages, the JobRunRepository provides a specialized updateLogLocalized method, which helps you to create a localized log entry. It writes the untranslated message to the job run object, but translates the message to english and adds it to the job run log, based on the execution context of the Job Run.

You can pass the message to the method, which then again can be translated using Pimcore's Translations menu by selecting your custom domain. In addition, it is also possible to add a translation directly in the corresponding your-domain.<language>.yaml file.


By default, the admin domain is used for the translation. If you want to use a different domain, you can set it in the pimcore_generic_execution_engine configuration.

As example see:

$jobRun, 'pimcore_copilot_job_execution_job_cancelled', ['%job_run_id%' => $jobRun->getId()]

Job Run Error Logs

Job Run Error Logs are the entity for storing log information about Job Run. There is the [Pimcore\Bundle\GenericExecutionEngineBundle\Repository\JobRunErrorLogRepositoryInterface] for all kind of CRUD operations on these logs.