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Create a First Project

In this section, you will learn the basics of Pimcore, required to start developing.

Creating CMS Pages with Documents

In the first part you'll learn the basics for creating CMS pages with Pimcore Documents.

Create Template, Layout and Controller

New Controller

First of all, we need a controller. Let's call it ContentController.php. You have to put the file into the /src/Controller directory.


namespace App\Controller;

use Pimcore\Controller\FrontendController;
use Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Attribute\Template;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

class ContentController extends FrontendController
public function defaultAction(Request $request): array
return [];

For the moment we only have one single action called defaultAction(). In the defaultAction, we can put some custom code or assign values to the template. For this example we don't need any custom code in our controller, so the action stays empty for the moment.

Create a Template

Now we create a template for our page:

  • Create a new folder in /templates and name it like the controller (using the snake_case typo) (in the content case).
  • Put a new Twig template into this folder and name it like our action (using the snake_case typo) (default.html.twig).

Then we can put some template code into it, for example:

{% extends 'layout.html.twig' %}

{% block content %}
<h1>{{ pimcore_input("headline", {"width": 540}) }}</h1>

{% for i in pimcore_iterate_block(pimcore_block('contentblock')) %}
<h2>{{ pimcore_input('subline') }}</h2>
{{ pimcore_wysiwyg('content') }}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}

Pimcore uses by default Symfony Twig engine, so you have the full power of Symfony templates with all Symfony functionalities available. In addition to that, there are some Pimcore specific additions like the so called editables, which add editable parts (placeholders) to the layout and some custom templating helpers.

For details concerning editables (like pimcore_input, pimcore_block, ...) see Editables.

Add a Layout

We can use Symfony's template inheritance and layout functionality to wrap our content page with another template which contains the main navigation, a sidebar, … using the following code:

{% extends 'layout.html.twig' %}

We tell the engine that we want to use the layout layout.html.twig.

Now create a new Twig template in the folder /templates and name it layout.html.twig. Then we can also put some HTML and template code into it:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
body {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
font-family: "Lucida Sans Unicode", Arial;
font-size: 14px;

#site {
margin: 0 auto;
width: 600px;
padding: 30px 0 0 0;
color: #65615E;

h1, h2, h3 {
font-size: 18px;
padding: 0 0 5px 0;
border-bottom: 1px solid #001428;
margin-bottom: 5px;

h3 {
font-size: 14px;
padding: 15px 0 5px 0;
margin-bottom: 5px;
border-color: #cccccc;

img {
border: 0;

p {
padding: 0 0 5px 0;

a {
color: #000;

#logo {
text-align: center;
padding: 50px 0;

#logo hr {
display: block;
height: 1px;
overflow: hidden;
background: #BBB;
border: 0;
padding: 0;
margin: 30px 0 20px 0;

.claim {
text-transform: uppercase;
color: #BBB;

#site ul {
padding: 10px 0 10px 20px;
list-style: circle;

.buttons {
margin-bottom: 100px;
text-align: center;

.buttons a {
display: inline-block;
background: #6428b4;
color: #fff;
padding: 5px 10px;
margin-right: 10px;
width: 40%;
border-radius: 2px;
text-decoration: none;

.buttons a:hover {
background: #1C8BC1;

.buttons a:last-child {
margin: 0;

<div id="site">
<div id="logo">
<a href=""><img src="/bundles/pimcoreadmin/img/logo-claim-gray.svg"
style="width: 400px;"/></a>
{{ block('content') }}

The code {{ block('content') }} is the placeholder where the content of the page will be inserted.

Putting It All Together With Pimcore Documents

Now we need to connect the action to a page in the Pimcore backend, so that the page knows which action (and therefore also which template) needs to be executed/processed. First, click right on Home in the Documents panel and Select Add Page > Blank to add a new page.

Create pageCreate pageCreate page

Now select the tab Settings in the newly opened tab. Select the Controller::Action and template (if different from controller action naming).

Page settingsPage settingsPage settings

You can test the new controller and action, after saving the document (press Save & Publish). Select the tab Edit, to see your page with all the editable placeholders.

Page edit previewPage edit previewPage edit preview

Introduction to Assets

In assets, all binary files like images, videos, office files and PDFs, ... can be uploaded, stored and managed. You can organize them in a directory structure and assign them additional meta data. Once uploaded, an asset can be used and linked in multiple places - e.g. documents or objects.

In terms of images or videos, always upload only one high quality version (best quality available). Thumbnails for different output channels are created directly within Pimcore using custom configurations.

For this tutorial, at least add one file which you will use in an object later.

There are many ways to upload files:

  1. Drag & drop files from your file explorer into the browser on the desired asset folder
  2. Right click on Home and choose the most suitable method for you

Upload assetsUpload assetsUpload assets

Introduction to Objects

We've already made a controller, action and a view so we're able to add text from within the admin panel to our pages. In this chapter we will create a simple product database and use them in our CMS pages. Objects are used to store any structured data independently from the output-channel and can be used anywhere in your project.

Create the Class Model/Definition

Go to: Settings -> Object -> Classes and click the button Add Class.

Add product classAdd product classAdd product class

Now, there is a new product class/model which is a representation of your entity including the underlying database scheme as well as a generated PHP class you can use to create, update, list and delete your entities.

More specific backgrounds and insights can be found in the Objects section

The product should have the following attributes: SKU, picture, name and description. Follow these steps to add them:

  • Go to the edit page of the class product
  • Click right on Base and select Add Layout Component -> Panel - This is the main panel/container for the following product attributes
  • To add attributes:
    • Click right on Panel, then Add data component -> Text -> Input, then change the name of the input component to sku (in the edit panel on the right side)
    • Just the same way you add the new data field for name
    • Now we're going to add a WYSIWYG attribute for the description. Again, click right, select Add data component -> Text -> WYSIWYG. We name it description.
    • The last attribute is for the picture. We can use on of the specialized image components in Other -> Image. Name the attribute picture.

If everything goes well, the new class looks like in the picture:

Product classProduct classProduct class

Important: Every generated class in the Pimcore admin panel has an associated PHP class with getters and setters. You can find the PHP class representation of our newly created class definition above in var/classes/DataObject/Product.php

Add a new Object

We've just prepared a simple class for new products. Now we can use it to create objects in Pimcore.

  • Open the objects section on the left and click on the right button after Home (Note that you can also create directory structures for objects).
  • Choose Add object -> product and fill the input with a name, for example: tshirt
  • Add values for sku, name and description attributes.
  • Click Save & Publish

Probably, your view looks like below:

New productNew productNew product

The last step to finish the product object is adding a photo.

One way to upload a photo is using this button: Upload image to an objectUpload image to an objectUpload image to an object or just drag a file that you uploaded from the Assets section.

Click Save & Publish button.

That's it.

Complete objectComplete objectComplete object

Putting the Pieces Together

Let's put the pieces together and connect the products to the CMS.

Update Controller and Template

Therefore create another action in the controller (ContentController) called productAction.


namespace App\Controller;

use Pimcore\Controller\FrontendController;
use Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Attribute\Template;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

class ContentController extends FrontendController
public function defaultAction (Request $request): array
return [];

public function productAction(Request $request): Response
return $this->render('content/product.html.twig');

Then we also need a new template for our product action: templates/content/product.html.twig

{% extends 'layout.html.twig' %}

{% block content %}
<h1>{{ pimcore_input("headline", {"width": 540}) }}</h1>

<div class="product-info">
{% if editmode %}
{{ pimcore_relation("product") }}
{% else %}
<!-- Product information-->
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}

{{ editmode }} is a standard variable (it's always set), that checks if the view is called from the Pimcore admin backend and gives you the possibility to do different stuff in editmode and in the frontend.

{{ pimcore_relation("product") }} is one of the possible editable placeholders. It can be used to make 1 to 1 relations. A cool alternative for that would be the Renderlet editable.
Click here for a full list of available editables in Pimcore.

Add the Product Object to a Document

The last thing is to show the product in the body of the document you created.

Let's go back to the documents section. Right click on Home then Add Page > Empty Page. In the settings label, choose the product action and the Content controller, click save and go back to the edit tab.

Now you can see the new editable element (relation) which we added in the product template above. Drag the product object to that editable and press Save & Publish.

Drag the object to the documentDrag the object to the documentDrag the object to the document

Let's see what happened on the frontend...

Go to the product page. In my case, let's say http://pimcore.local/tshirt where tshirt is the identifier of the product (the name visible the documents tree).

We haven't implemented frontend features yet, therefore the page doesn't contain any product information.

Add a few lines in the template file (templates/content/product.html.twig):

{% extends 'layout.html.twig' %}
{% block content %}
<h1>{{ pimcore_input("headline", {"width": 540}) }}</h1>

<div class="product-info">
{% if editmode %}
{{ pimcore_relation("product") }}
{% else %}
{% set product = pimcore_relation("product").element %}
{% if product %}
<h2>{{ }}</h2>
<div class="content">
{{ product.description|raw }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}

You are now able to access the linked object above by using the method getElement(). Now you have access to the entire data from the linked object (name, description, ...).

Add a Thumbnail Configuration

To show the product image in the view, we need to add a thumbnail configuration first. Using thumbnail configurations, Pimcore automatically renders optimized images for certain output channels (including high-res @2x versions).

Adding a thumbnail configuration can be achieved by adding a configuration as depicted below. For now, simply add a configuration named content. Adding thumbnail configurationAdding thumbnail configurationAdding thumbnail configuration

Showing the Image in the View

Last but not least, we would like to show the product picture:

<div class="content">
{% if product.picture %}
{{ product.picture.thumbnail("content").html|raw }}
{% endif %}

{{ product.description|raw }}

As you can see, Image is an additional class with useful attributes and functions. To print out the image in the right size just use the method thumbnail.html which returns the <img> or <picture> (when using media queries in your config) tag with the correct image path and also sets alt attributes to values based on the asset meta data.

Now the product page should look like this:

Final product pageFinal product pageFinal product page