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Configuration via Configuration File

Configuration takes place via LocationAwareConfigRepository, and can be done via YAML config or settings store. All configured actions are added to Pimcore Copilot with given context limitations.


# Configure actions for interaction tasks.

# Prototype
name: ~
title: ~
description: ~

# Optional: Configure permissions for action. Without permissions action is available for admin users only.

# Prototype

# Name of user to be configured.
name: ~

# Permissions to be configured for user. Use values from ActionPermissionTypes enum.
permissions: []

# Prototype

# Name of role to be configured.
name: ~

# Permissions to be configured for role. Use values from ActionPermissionTypes enum.
permissions: []

# Configure contexts when action should be available. Leave empty to always show action.
context_limitations: []

# Service name of to be used interaction type.
type: ~

# Configuration for the interaction action.
configuration: ~

# Define icon path to be shown in Copilot for that action.
icon: null

# Define search term(s) to be used for searching action in Copilot.
search_terms: []

# Define whether action should be expanded in Copilot window when started.
is_expanded_on_show: false

For sample configurations also see Included actions. Also have a look at Permissions to set up permissions for configured actions.