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Pimcore Templates


In general the templates are located in: templates/[controller]/[action].html.twig but Symfony-style locations also work (both controller as well as action without their suffix).

Pimcore uses the Twig templating engine, you can use Twig exactly as documented in:

Just use attributes or render the view directly to use Twig:


namespace App\Controller;

use Pimcore\Controller\FrontendController;
use Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Attribute\Template;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

class MyController extends FrontendController
* The attribute will resolve the defined view
#[Template('content/default.html.twig', vars: ['param1' => 'value1'])]
public function attributeAction(): void

public function directRenderAction(): Response
return $this->render('my/custom/action.html.twig', ['param1' => 'value1']);

Of course, you can just set a custom template for Pimcore documents in the admin interface and that template will be used for auto-rendering when the controller does not return a response.

Twig Reference

To make Pimcore's functions available in Twig templates, Pimcore implements a set of extensions. Please see our Demo as first reference how to use Pimcore with Twig.

You can take a look at the implementations for further details. Note that all of Pimcore's Twig extensions are prefixed with pimcore to avoid naming collisions.

Pimcore Editables

<h1>{{ pimcore_input('headline') }}</h1>

{{ pimcore_wysiwyg('content') }}

{{ pimcore_select('type', { reload: true, store: [["video","video"], ["image","image"]] }) }}

Please note that if you store the editable in a variable, you'll need to pipe it through the raw filter on output if it generates HTML as otherwise the HTML will be escaped by twig.

{% set content = pimcore_wysiwyg('content') %}

{# this will be escaped HTML #}
{{ content }}

{# HTML will be rendered #}
{{ content|raw }}


Loading Objects

The following functions can be used to load Pimcore elements from within a template:

  • pimcore_document
  • pimcore_document_by_path
  • pimcore_site
  • pimcore_asset
  • pimcore_asset_by_path
  • pimcore_object
  • pimcore_object_by_path
{% set myObject = pimcore_object(123) %}
{{ myObject.getTitle() }}


{% set myObject = pimcore_object_by_path("/path/to/my/object") %}
{{ myObject.title }}

For documents, Pimcore also provides a function to handle hardlinks through the pimcore_document_wrap_hardlink method.

See PimcoreObjectExtension for details.


{# include another document #}
{{ pimcore_inc('/snippets/foo') }}

See Template Extensions for details.

Templating Extensions

The following extensions can directly be used on Twig. See Template Extensions for a detailed description of every helper:


  • pimcore_head_link
  • pimcore_head_meta
  • pimcore_head_script
  • pimcore_head_style
  • pimcore_head_title
  • pimcore_inline_script
  • pimcore_placeholder
  • pimcore_url
  • pimcore_cache (deprecated)


  • pimcorecache

Block elements

As Twig does not provide a while control structure which is needed to iterate a Block editable, we introduced a function called pimcore_iterate_block to allow walking through every block element:

{% for i in pimcore_iterate_block(pimcore_block('contentblock')) %}
<h2>{{ pimcore_input('subline') }}</h2>
{{ pimcore_wysiwyg('content') }}
{% endfor %}



Can be used to test if an object is an instance of a given class.

{% if image is instanceof('\\Pimcore\\Model\\Asset\\Image') %}
{# ... #}
{% endif %}

Pimcore Specialities

Pimcore provides a few special functionalities to make templates even more powerful. These are explained in following sub chapters: