HeadTitle Templating Extension
The HeadTitle templating extension extends Placeholder Templating Extension
The HTML <title>
element is used to provide a title for an HTML document.
The HeadTitle helper allows you to programmatically create and store the title for later retrieval and output.
Basic Usage
You may specify a title tag at any time. A typical usage would have you setting title segments for each level of depth in your application: site, controller, action, and potentially resource.
{% do pimcore_head_title('My first part') %}
{% do pimcore_head_title('The 2nd part') %}
{# setting the site in the title; possibly in the layout script: #}
{% do pimcore_head_title('My Pimcore Website') %}
{# setting a separator string for segments: #}
{% do pimcore_head_title().setSeparator(' / ') %}
When you're finally ready to render the title in your layout script, simply echo the helper:
{{ pimcore_head_title() }}
{# renders My first part / The 2nd part / My Pimcore Website #}