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Link Generator


Link Generators are used to dynamically generate web-links for objects and are automatically called when objects are linked in document link editables, link document types and object link tags.

Additionally they are also enabling the preview tab for data objects.

Link generators are defined on class level, there are two ways to do this.

Either simply specify the class name or the name of a Symfony service (notice the prefix).

Link Generator Setup1Link Generator Setup1Link Generator Setup1

# ---------------------------------------------------------
# Link Generators for DataObjects
# ---------------------------------------------------------
public: true

public: true


namespace App\Website\LinkGenerator;

use App\Model\Product\AccessoryPart;
use App\Model\Product\Car;
use App\Website\Tool\Text;
use Pimcore\Bundle\EcommerceFrameworkBundle\Model\ProductInterface;
use Pimcore\Model\DataObject;
use Pimcore\Model\DataObject\ClassDefinition\LinkGeneratorInterface;
use Pimcore\Bundle\EcommerceFrameworkBundle\Model\DefaultMockup;

class ProductLinkGenerator extends AbstractProductLinkGenerator implements LinkGeneratorInterface
public function generate(object $object, array $params = []): string
if (!($object instanceof Car || $object instanceof AccessoryPart)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Given object is no Car');

return $this->doGenerate($object, $params);

public function generateWithMockup(ProductInterface $object, array $params = []): string
return $this->doGenerate($object, $params);

protected function doGenerate(ProductInterface $object, array $params): string
return DataObject\Service::useInheritedValues(true, function () use ($object, $params) {
return $this->pimcoreUrl->__invoke(
'productname' => Text::toUrl($object->getOSName() ? $object->getOSName() : 'product'),
'product' => $object->getId(),
'path' => $this->getNavigationPath($object->getMainCategory(), $params['rootCategory'] ?? null),
'page' => null

Note: If you want to support mockups or arbitrary objects you can change the typehint to:

    public function generate(object $object, array $params = []): string

The link generator will receive the referenced object and additional data depending on the context. This would be the document (if embedded in a document), the object if embedded in an object including the tag or field definition as context.


public function generate(Concrete $object, array $params = []): string
if (isset($params['document']) && $params['document'] instanceof Document) {
// param contains context information
$documentPath = $params['document']->getFullPath();

Example Document

Link Generator DocumentLink Generator DocumentLink Generator Document

$d = Document\Link::getById(203);

would produce the following output


Use in Views

path() / url()

<ul class="foo">
{% for car in carList %}
<li><a href="{{ path(car) }}">{{ car.getName() }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}


<ul class="foo">
{% for car in carList %}
<li><a href="{{ path('pimcore_element', {'element': car}) }}">{{ car.getName() }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}