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Version: Edit on GitHub

Core Testing

Pimcore uses Codeception for testing its core features.


  1. A Pimcore installation. Read this guide for instructions.
  2. A dedicated database used only for testing. In other words, if the Pimcore installation is not only used for testing, create a separate database!
  3. Redis cache (optional, but needed for executing cache tests)

Executing tests

Important notes

Read this before you start.

Test directories

Always set


This will switch special directories used for testing (like /var/classes) and prevent that you existing installation gets messed up.

Error reporting

always add


if not preset by your system.

Run all tests

This will run all tests.

PIMCORE_TEST_DB_DSN="mysql://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD]@[HOST]/[DBNAME]" PIMCORE_ENVIRONMENT=test PIMCORE_TEST=1 vendor/bin/codecept run -c vendor/pimcore/pimcore

Only run a specific suite

Only runs the model tests. For a list of suites see the list below.

PIMCORE_TEST_DB_DSN="mysql://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD]@[HOST]/[DBNAME]" PIMCORE_ENVIRONMENT=test PIMCORE_TEST=1 vendor/bin/codecept run -c vendor/pimcore/pimcore model

Only run a specific test group

This can be a subset of a suite. You also have the option to provide a comma-seperated list of groups. For an overview of available groups see the table below.

PIMCORE_TEST_DB_DSN="mysql://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD]@[HOST]/[DBNAME]" PIMCORE_ENVIRONMENT=test PIMCORE_TEST=1 vendor/bin/codecept run -c vendor/pimcore/pimcore rest -g dataTypeIn    
Redis Cache tests

For Redis, the PIMCORE_TEST_CACHE_REDIS_DATABASE option is mandatory. Set to a value that does not conflict to any other Redis DBs on your system.

PIMCORE_TEST_DB_DSN="mysql://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD]@[HOST]/[DBNAME]" PIMCORE_ENVIRONMENT=test PIMCORE_TEST=1 PIMCORE_TEST_CACHE_REDIS_DATABASE=1 vendor/bin/codecept run -c vendor/pimcore/pimcore cache    

Important Environment Variables

Env Variable Example Comment
PIMCORE_ENVIRONMENT test Test environment
PIMCORE_PHP_ERROR_REPORTING 32767 Should be set to E_ALL because Travis uses the same setting.
PIMCORE_TEST 1 important this will switch several directories (like /var/classes)
PIMCORE_TEST_SKIP_DB 1 Skips DB setup. This does not skip the db-related tests but it
reduces the setup time for tests that don't need a database.
PIMCORE_TEST_CACHE_REDIS_PORT defaults to 6379 Redis port


The tests are organized into suites, each one covering specific areas of the core.

Suite name Description
cache Cache tests
ecommerce Ecommerce bundle tests
model Dataobject tests
rest REST Webservice API tests
service Test covering common or shared element tasks (versioning, ...)
unit Other tests (may need restructuring)


The following table lists all groups currently used by Pimcore's core tests. If you extend the tests or write new ones please tag them accordingly.

cache-cli Cache cli tests
cache.core.array Cache Array handler tests
cache.core.db Cache DB handler tests
cache.core.file Cache File handler tests
cache.core.redis Cache Redis handler tests
cache.core.redis_lua Cache Redis handler tests with LUA enabled
dataTypeIn REST tests - objects are created via REST API and then fetched locally
dataTypeLocal Dataobject - datatype tests
dataTypeOut REST tests - objects are created locally and fetched via REST API
model.relations.multipleassignment Dataobject - "allow multiple assignments" tests

Useful command line options

Useful examples:

Option Example Description
--group (-g --group dataTypeLocal Only execute specified list of groups
--skip (-s) --skip cache,rest Skip Cache and Rest Tests
--skip-group (-x) --skip-group cache.core.file Skip file cache tests
--fail-fast --fail-fast Stop on first error

See Codeception Commands for more options.


Pimcore uses Travis CI for continuous integration. Open https://travis-ci.com/pimcore/pimcore for the current build status.

Test Matrix

The build matrix (which can change at any time) consists of a mixture of

  • different PHP versions (7.2, 7.3, 7.4)
  • different Symfony versions (3.4 and 4)

In addition it

  • verifies the state of the documentation (broken links, etc)
  • runs PHPStan (PHP Static Analysis Tool). For a list verification performed by PHPStan see this list. Current level 1.

Build Artifacts

Travis will automatically upload build artifacts to Amazon S3 (currently everything in var/logs).

Look for something like this in your job output and open it in your web browser.


Providing new tests & extending existing ones

In general, contributions in form extending and improving tests is highly appreciated. Please follow the structure and principles described above.

If you have the extend the data model then please have a look at Model.php. There you will find all class definitions used for testing.

Perform PHPStan Analysis

First, get a copy of this sample configuration file and place it in your PIMCORE_PROJECT_ROOT root directory.

Replace all occurrences of PIMCORE_PROJECT_ROOT with the real directory according to your setup.

Add dependencies:

# minimum
composer require "phpstan/phpstan:^0.12" "phpstan/phpstan-symfony:^0.12"

# required if you want to do a full analysis
composer require "heidelpay/heidelpay-php:^" "klarna/checkout:^3.0.0" "elasticsearch/elasticsearch:2.0.0" "paypal/paypal-checkout-sdk:^1" "mpay24/mpay24-php:^4.2" "composer/composer:*"


TMPDIR=/tmp/[dedicateddir] ./vendor/bin/phpstan analyse -c phpstan.local.neon vendor/pimcore/pimcore/bundles/ vendor/pimcore/pimcore/lib/ vendor/pimcore/pimcore/models/ -l 1 --memory-limit=-1

where /tmp/[dedicateddir] must be a writable temporary directory.

Note regarding PRs: Please try to meet all level 3 requirements (run it with -l 3 instead) for all files you touch or add.

Travis also performs level 2 tests but allows them to fail in case that not all rules are satisfied.

PHPStan Job

Open the build log and check for problems.

PHPStan Log

PHPStan Baseline Feature

PHPStan can create a baseline file, which contain all current errors. See this blog entry.

To generate a new baseline file you have to execute following command:

vendor/bin/phpstan analyse -c .travis/phpstan.s4.travis.neon bundles/ lib/ models/ -l 3 --memory-limit=-1 --generate-baseline

With this baseline file include, Travis can detect new errors without having to fix all errors first.

PHPStan Level Overview

Level Checks
0 basic checks, unknown classes, unknown functions, unknown methods called on $this, wrong number of arguments passed to those methods and functions, always undefined variables
1 possibly undefined variables, unknown magic methods and properties on classes with __call and __get
2 unknown methods checked on all expressions (not just $this), validating PHPDocs
3 return types, types assigned to properties
4 basic dead code checking - always false instanceof and other type checks, dead else branches, unreachable code after return; etc.
5 checking types of arguments passed to methods and functions
6 check for missing typehints
7 report partially wrong union types
8 report calling methods and accessing properties on nullable types