Warning: You are browsing the documentation from version 4 to 10 of Pimcore. Please visit https://pimcore.com/docs/platform/ for the latest versions of Pimcore.
Version: Edit on GitHub

System Settings

In system settings (Settings > System Settings) system wide settings for Pimcore can be made. Changes should be made with care and only by developers. These settings are saved in var/config/system.yml.


Contains general settings about timezone, view suffix, additional path variables, default langauge, user interface etc.

Localization & Internationalization (i18n/l10n)

These settings are used in documents to specify the content language (in properties tab), for objects in localized-fields, for shared translations, ... simply everywhere the editor can choose or use a language for the content. Fallback languages are currently used in object's localized fields and shared translations.


Several debugging settings for Pimcore, like Debug Mode and Application Logger settings.

Please note that the core logger (log levels, files, ...) can now directly be configured via Symfony's Monolog configuration. For details see:

Debug Mode

The Debug Mode is useful if you're developing an application with Pimcore.

With debug-mode on, errors and warnings are displayed directly in the browser, otherwise they are deactivated and the error-controller is active (Error Page).

You can restrict the debug mode to an (or multiple) IP address(es), so that it is only active for requests from a specific remote address.

In order to include some specific debugging tools (profiler, toolbar, ...), Pimcore implicitly sets the environment to dev when enabling the debug mode and if no environment is defined manually by using an environment variable.

System Settings

If you are using Pimcore\Mail to send emails and the Debug Mode is enabled, all emails will be sent to the debug email receivers defined in Settings > System Settings > Email Settings > Debug email addresses. In addition a debug information is attached to the email which shows you to who the email would be sent if the debug mode is disabled.

To check anywhere in your own code if you are working in debug-mode, you can make use of the PIMCORE_DEBUG constant.


The development mode enables some debugging features. This is useful if you're developing on the core of Pimcore or when creating a bundle. Please don't activate it in production systems!

What exactly does the dev mode:

  • Loading the source javascript files (uncompressed & commented)
  • Disables some caches (Webservice Cache, ...)
  • extensive logging into log files
  • ... and some more little things

E-Mail Settings

Settings for default values of Mails sent via Pimcore\Mail.


System settings about the CMS part of Pimcore.

Pimcore has a default implementation for EU cookie policy that looks like as follows.

Cookie Policy

You can specify your own texts and add your custom detail link using the "Shared Translations". Just search for "cookie-" in Shared Translations, then you get listed the predefined keys for the cookie texts and links:

Cookie Policy Translation

Use a Custom Template Code
// this example is inside a controller, but you can also inject the listener as dependency
$cookieListener = $this->get(\Pimcore\Bundle\CoreBundle\EventListener\Frontend\CookiePolicyNoticeListener::class);
$cookieListener->setTemplateCode("<b>Your Custom Template</b> ...");


Settings for documents like version steps, default values and URL settings.


Version steps for objects.


Settings for assets like version steps, default color profiles for thumbnail processing and display settings.

Google Credentials & API Keys

Google API Credentials (Service Account Client ID for Analytics, ...) is required for the Google API integrations. Only use a Service Account from the Google Cloud Console.

Google API Key (Simple API Access for CSE, ...) is e.g. required for correct display of geo data types in Pimcore ojbects.


Settings for Pimcore output cache.


Settings for default output filters shipped with Pimcore.

Web Service API

Settings fpr Pimcore web service API.

HTTP Connectivity (direct, proxy, ...)

Settings for outbound HTTP connectivity of Pimcore - needed e.g. for Pimcore Updates or custom code using HTTP-Clients.


Possibility for configuring different newsletter delivery settings from the default e-mail settings.