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Version: Edit on GitHub

Document Inheritance

The Content Master Document setting, allows a document to inherit all of its contents from any other document which can then be overwritten individually on field level.

If this setting is selected and Apply new master document is clicked, all contents will be erased from the current document and inherited from the master document.


  1. Drag a master document to the document where you'd like to inherit the contents (Content-Master Document in settings tab).
  2. Press the Apply new master document button

Apply master document

  1. Confirm the warning dialog

Confirm master document changes

  1. Now you can see grey spaces in the document. If you want to overwrite any value, just click the right button on it.

Master document - the editmode preview

Content Master Document in the Code

Using a master document doesn't change anything in the PHP API. If you load a document which has related a master document, then values returned by it will be replaced by values from the master document (unless values are overwritten).

You can get Master document object by getContentMasterDocument method available in \Pimcore\Model\Document\Page.

$document = \Pimcore\Model\Document\Page::getById(130);
    'master_document' => $document->getContentMasterDocument()->getKey(),
    'document' => $document->getKey()