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Version: Edit on GitHub



Every element type in Pimcore (documents, objects, assets) has implemented a scheduler which provides the ability to create tasks like:

  • Publish
  • Unpublish
  • Delete
  • Publish version - Publish a specific version (You can read more about Versions in the Versioning section)

Important: If object is already published, then using Publish option will not publish latest version(unpublished) so it is recommended to use Publish version option in that case.

Note: To use scheduler you have to configure "cronjobs". You can find more in the System setup section.


Let's get objects as an example. In the Pimcore backend UI find the icon:

Scheduling - the icon in editmode

You can add the task by clicking on the Add button, then an empty row shows. There is few configurable options: date, time and action which should run with that task. The "active" checkbox is unchecked after the task finished. The Version option would be used only if you chosen the "Publish version"* action.

To make the task which automatically publish an unpublished object just fill values like in the picture, below.

Scheduling - the new task

And the effect in the database:

# id, cid, ctype, date, action, version, active
'7', '76', 'object', '1474034700', 'publish', NULL, '1'

When the ./bin/console pimcore:maintenance -j scheduledtasks script will finish processing jobs you could see the changes.

In the edit object view:

Scheduling - the processed task

In the database:

# id, cid, ctype, date, action, version, active
'8', '76', 'object', '1474034700', 'publish', NULL, '0'