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Version: Edit on GitHub

PHP Code


Allows you to provide a custom getter implementation.


Sample implementation.


namespace AppBundle\Operator;

use Pimcore\DataObject\GridColumnConfig\Operator\AbstractOperator;
use Pimcore\DataObject\GridColumnConfig\ResultContainer;

class OperatorSample extends AbstractOperator
    private $additionalData;
    public function __construct(\stdClass $config, $context = null)
        parent::__construct($config, $context);

        $this->additionalData = $config->additionalData;

    public function getLabeledValue($element)
        $childs = $this->getChilds();

        $result = new ResultContainer();
        $result->setValue($element->getId() . " huhu " .  count($childs) . " " . $this->additionalData);

        return $result;