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Version: Edit on GitHub

Scheduled Block Editable


The scheduled block element allows to manage scheduled content within an editable. Basically the scheduled block is very similar to the standard block editable. You can configure one or multiple sub editables that are repeated multiple times as block items. The difference is, that within the scheduled block each block item has a specific timestamp and in the frontend only one block item - the one with the corresponding timestamp - is displayed at a time (not all within a loop).

In editmode, additional block items can be added and their timestamp can be configured.


Name Type Description
class string A CSS class that is added to the surrounding container of this element in editmode


Name Return Description
isEmpty() bool Whether the editable is empty or not.
getCount() int Get the total amount of iterations.
getCurrent() int Get the current index while looping.
getElements() array Return a array for every loop to access the defined children.

The Block Controls

Control Operation
Date Picker Select a day for the block item timestamp.
Slider Select the time for the block item with the slider.
+ Add new block item.
Block item menu List of all block items with jump to function.
Delete entries Delete all block items or all block items of the past.

Basic Usage

Please use the loop() method to iterate through all block items. This makes sure the correct indices are set internally to reference the right elements within a block.

As Twig does not provide a while construct, there's a specialized function pimcore_iterate_block which allows you to iterate through all block elements.

<?php while($this->scheduledblock("block")->loop()) { ?>
    <h2><?= $this->input("blockinput") ?><h2>
    <?= $this->image("myimage") ?>
<?php } ?>
{% for i in pimcore_iterate_block(pimcore_scheduledblock('block')) %}
    <h2>{{ pimcore_input('blockinput') }}</h2>
    {{ pimcore_image('myimage') }}
{% endfor %}

The result in editmode should looks like to following: Scheduled Block in editmode

And in the frontend of the application: Scheduled Block in the frontend

In document preview, Pimore provides a time slider to get the preview for a certain time as soon as the document has at least one scheduled block editable.

For details on how to create custom functionality using the time slider see Preview Scheduled Content.