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With elastic search so called synonym filters can be configured to further optimize search behavior. For details see Synonym Token Filter and following pages at elastic search documentation.

Pimcore provides an out-of-the box integration to provide synonyms for the synonym filters of elastic search.

Synonym Providers

Synonym providers are symfony services that implement the SynonymProviderInterface, load synonyms from a specific source and provide it for using them in elastic search synonym filters.

Sources can be simple files, Pimcore assets, Pimcore data objects, database tables or what ever source is needed. Pimcore ships with a simple FileSynonymProvider that can be used right away. The synonym source is a file (e.g. a Pimcore asset) that follows the Solr file format.

Besides the service configuration it self, the synonym providers need to be configured in index service configuration as follows.

                enabled: true
                worker_id: Pimcore\Bundle\EcommerceFrameworkBundle\IndexService\Worker\ElasticSearch\DefaultElasticSearch6
                config_id: Pimcore\Bundle\EcommerceFrameworkBundle\IndexService\Config\ElasticSearch

                            # service ID of synonym provider to use
                            provider_id: Pimcore\Bundle\EcommerceFrameworkBundle\IndexService\SynonymProvider\FileSynonymProvider
                            # additional options for synonym provider (are applied to a child-service instance of given synonym provider
                                synonymFile: '%kernel.project_dir%/web/var/assets/system/synonyms.txt'

Matching Synonym Providers to Synonym Filters

Matching between synonym providers and synonym filters in index settings takes place via name. In the sample below there the synonym provider app_synonym_filter provides the synonyms for the filter app_synonym_filter.

The filter definition in the index settings can hold just an empty array (as some definition is required). During index building, index resetting or reloading of synonyms, the synonyms are loaded from synonyms provider and injected to the synonyms array of the corresponding synonyms filter.

                enabled: true
                worker_id: Pimcore\Bundle\EcommerceFrameworkBundle\IndexService\Worker\ElasticSearch\DefaultElasticSearch6
                config_id: Pimcore\Bundle\EcommerceFrameworkBundle\IndexService\Config\ElasticSearch

                            # service ID of synonym provider to use
                            provider_id: Pimcore\Bundle\EcommerceFrameworkBundle\IndexService\SynonymProvider\FileSynonymProvider
                            # additional options for synonym provider (are applied to a child-service instance of given synonym provider
                                synonymFile: '%kernel.project_dir%/web/var/assets/system/synonyms.txt'

                                app_synonym_filter: # mapping between synonym_provider and filter based on name
                                    type: synonym # or synonym_graph or any other ES type
                                    synonyms: [] # provide an empy array here, for ES6 [], for ES5[""] 

Updating Synonyms

There are three ways of updating the synonyms in the elastic search index. For all applies that the synonyms are loaded from synonyms provider and injected to the synonyms array of the corresponding synonyms filter by Pimcore.

Index Creation

During index creation the synonyms are loaded from synonym providers and applied to index.


During reindex the synonyms are loaded from synonym providers and applied to index when new index is created.

This is the recommended way to update synonyms during runtime at a production system as there is no service downtime.

Elasticsearch sync command

With the command bin/console ecommerce:indexservice:elasticsearch-sync update-synonyms synonyms can be updated in the current index. For that, the index has to be closed and reopened which means a short downtime of the index.