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Version: Edit on GitHub

Relations (Many-To-Many) Editable


The relations editable provides many to many relation to other Pimcore elements (document, asset, object).


Name Type Description
width integer Width for the widget in pixels (optional)
height integer Height for the widget in pixels (optional)
title string Title for the input-widget
uploadPath string Target path for (inline) uploaded assets
disableInlineUpload boolean Disable the inline upload for assets. If set to true, the inline upload functionality will be disabled.
types array Allowed types (document, asset, object), if empty all types are allowed
subtypes array Allowed subtypes grouped by type (folder, page, snippet, image, video, object, ...), if empty all subtypes are allowed (see example below)
classes array Allowed object class names, if empty all classes are allowed
class string A CSS class that is added to the surrounding container of this element in editmode
reload boolean true triggers page reload on each change


Name Return Description
getElements() array Array of the assigned elements
current() int Get the current index while looping
isEmpty() boolean Whether the editable is empty or not


Basic Usage

The code below is responsible for showing a list of elements types related to the relations editable.

<p><?= $this->translate("Types of elements"); ?>:</p>
<?php if($this->editmode): ?>
    <?= $this->relations("objectPaths"); ?>
<?php else: ?>
        <?php foreach($this->relations("objectPaths") as $element):
            /** @var \Pimcore\Model\Element\ElementInterface $element */
            <li><?= $element->getType(); ?></li>
        <?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<p>{{ "Types of elements" | trans }}:</p>
{% if editmode %}
    {{ pimcore_relations("objectPaths") }}
{% else %}
    {% for element in pimcore_relations("objectPaths") %}
        <li>{{ element.getType() }}</li>
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

Picture below, presents the editmode preview:

Relations editable - editmode preview

The frontend part looks like that:

Relations editable - frontend preview

To better understand what exactly is the $element variable, have a look at the output below:

array(6) {
  [0] => string(27) "Pimcore\Model\DataObject\Folder"
  [1] => string(32) "Pimcore\Model\DataObject\BlogArticle"
  [2] => string(32) "Pimcore\Model\DataObject\BlogArticle"
  [3] => string(27) "Pimcore\Model\Document\Page"
  [4] => string(27) "Pimcore\Model\Document\Page"
  [5] => string(25) "Pimcore\Model\Asset\Image"

Example with allowed types and subtypes

Similar to the single relation editable, this editable also could specify allowed types, subtypes and classes. For example:

<?= $this->relations("objectPaths", [
    "types" => ["asset","object"],
    "subtypes" => [
        "asset" => ["video","image"],
        "object" => ["object"]
    "classes" => ["person"]
]); ?>
{{ pimcore_relations("objectPaths", {
    "types": ["asset","object"],
    "subtypes": {
        "asset": ["video","image"],
        "object": ["object"]
    "classes": ["person"]
}) }}

Now, a user is not able to add other elements than specified in the types configuration part.