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Query Filters
Querying can be done using a limited and simplifed subset of the syntax described here.
Also note that there might restrictions regarding nesting levels.
Supported Logic Operators
- $not
- $or
- $and
- $like
Conditional operators
- $gt
- $gte
- $lt
- $lte
q={"o_modificationDate" : {"$gt" : "1000"}}
... SQL equivalent ...
where ((`o_modificationDate` > '1000') )
q=[{"o_modificationDate" : {"$gt" : "1000"}}, {"o_modificationDate" : {"$lt" : "9999"}}]
where ( ((`o_modificationDate` > '1000') ) AND ((`o_modificationDate` < '9999') ) )
q={"o_modificationDate" : {"$gt" : "1000"}, "$or": [{"o_id": "3"}, {"o_key": {"$like" :"%lorem-ipsum%"}}]}
where ((`o_modificationDate` > '1000') AND ((`o_id` = '3') OR ((`o_key` LIKE '%lorem-ipsum%') ) ) )
q={"$and" : [{"o_published": "0"}, {"o_modificationDate" : {"$gt" : "1000"}, "$or": [{"o_id": "3"}, {"o_key": {"$like" :"%lorem-ipsum%"}}]}]}
where ( ((`o_published` = '0') ) AND ((`o_modificationDate` > '1000') AND ((`o_id` = '3') OR (`o_key` LIKE '%lorem-ipsum%') ) ) )
(( NOT `o_type` ='object') )
Legacy Mode
SQL condition filters are not supported anymore. However, you can still enable them by implementing a event listener as scribbled below. If you don't but still pass a condition parameter an exception will be thrown.
namespace AppBundle\EventListener;
use Pimcore\Event\Webservice\FilterEvent;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
class LegacyListener implements EventSubscriberInterface
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
\Pimcore\Event\WebserviceEvents::BEFORE_LIST_LOAD => 'beforeLoad'
public function beforeLoad(FilterEvent $e)
$request = $e->getRequest();
$condition = $request->get("condition");
if ($condition) {