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Version: Edit on GitHub

Pimcore Controller


Pimcore controllers play the designated role in the MVC pattern. They bind the design patterns together and contain or delegate the functionality of the application. It is good practise to keep the controllers as lean as possible and encapsulate the business logic into models or services/libraries.

Pimcore offers an abstract class (Pimcore\Controller\FrontendController), which can be implemented by your controllers. This abstract class adds some Pimcore specific dispatching features - especially in combination with Pimcore Documents, multi-language support etc.

The naming of the file and the class is just the same as in Symfony.

Pimcore Specialities and Examples

Controller Name File Name Class Name Default View Directory
Content src/AppBundle/Controller/ContentController.php AppBundle\Controller\ContentController /app/Resources/views/Content
News src/AppBundle/Controller/NewsController.php AppBundle\Controller\NewsController /app/Resources/views/News

In controllers, for every action there exists a separate method ending with the Action suffix. The DefaultController comes with Pimcore. When you create an empty page in Pimcore it will call the defaultAction in the DefaultController which uses the view /app/Resources/views/Default/default.html.php.

[Deprecated since v6.8.0] Views are tied to actions implicitly using the filename. You can override this by using return $this->render(":Bar:foo.html.php", ["param" => "value"]); like in the example below or you can of course just return a Response object, just the way how Symfony works.


namespace AppBundle\Controller;

use Pimcore\Controller\FrontendController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Pimcore\Controller\Configuration\ResponseHeader;

class DefaultController extends FrontendController
     * Home page action. Will use the template /app/Resources/views/Default/home.html.php
    public function homeAction(Request $request)
        //Set a view variable with the name "foo" and the value "bar"
        $this->view->foo = 'bar';
    * Default page action. Will use the template /app/Resources/views/Default/default.html.php
    public function defaultAction(Request $request)
        //it is perfectly fine for an action to be empty.
     * The frontend controller provides methods to add response headers via annotation without having
     * access to the final response object (as it is automatically created when rendering the view).
     * @ResponseHeader("X-Foo", values={"123456", "98765"})
    public function headerAction(Request $request)
        // schedule a response header via code
        $this->addResponseHeader('X-Foo', 'bar', false, $request);

    * Example using a different template than the name of the action.
    * Will use the template /app/Resources/views/Default/somethingelse.html.php as view.
    public function differentAction()
        return $this->render(":Default:somethingelse.html.php", ["foo" => "bar"]);
     * This action returns a JSON response. 
    public function jsonAction(Request $request)
        return $this->json(array('key' => 'value'));
     * This returns a standard symfony Response object 
    public function customAction(Request $request)
        return new Response("Just some text");
There are also some properties which can be useful:
Name Type Description
$this->document Document Reference to the current document, if any is available.
$this->editmode boolean True if you are in editmode (admin)
$this->view ViewModel (deprecated) Used to assign variables to your view ($this->view->foo = "bar")