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Version: Edit on GitHub

WYSIWYG Editable


Similar to Textarea and Input you can use the WYSIWYG editable in the templates to provide rich-text editing.


Name Type Description
customConfig string Path to JavaScript file with configuration for CKEditor
enterMode integer Set it to CKEDITOR.CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR if you don't want to add a <p>-tag on pressing enter key
height integer Minimum height of the field in pixels
toolbarGroups mixed A toolbar config array or false for customConfig/CKEditor default (see below)
width integer Width of the field in pixels
class string A CSS class that is added to the surrounding container of this element in editmode
required boolean set to true to make field value required for publish


Name Return Description
getData() string Get the raw value of the wysiwyg
frontend() string Get the parsed value of the wysiwyg
isEmpty() bool Whether the editable is empty or not.


Basic usage

wysiwyg helper doesn't require any additional configuration options. The following code specifies the height for the rendered WYSIWYG editable (has no effect in frontend).

<section id="marked-content">
    <?= $this->wysiwyg("specialContent", [
        "height" => 200
    ]); ?>
<section id="marked-content">
    {{  pimcore_wysiwyg("specialContent", {
            "height": 200

If you have a look at the editmode, you will see that our WYSIWYG is rendered with the full toolbar.

complete WYSIWYG - editmode

Custom configuration for CKEditor

The complete list of configuration options you can find in the CKEditor toolbar documentation.

The WYSIWYG editable allows us to specify the toolbar. If you have to limit styling options (for example only basic styles like <b> tag and lists would be allowed), just use toolbarGroups option.
There is also the option to disable the pimcore generated default toolbar by setting the option toolbarGroups explicitly to false. In this case, either the configuration from the customConfig-file or if absent the ckeditor default will be loaded.

<section id="marked-content">
    <?= $this->wysiwyg("specialContent", [
        "height" => 200,
        "toolbarGroups" => [
                "name" => 'basicstyles',
                "groups" => [ 'basicstyles', 'list', "links"]
    ]); ?>
<section id="marked-content">
    {{  pimcore_wysiwyg("specialContent", {
        "height": 200,
        "toolbarGroups": [
                "name": 'basicstyles',
                "groups": [ 'basicstyles', 'list', "links"]

Now the user can use only the limited toolbar.

Wysiwyg with limited toolbar - editmode

There is also an additional way to specify the configuration by adding customConfig.

<section id="marked-content">
    <?= $this->wysiwyg("specialContent", [
        "height" => 200,
        "customConfig" => "/custom/ckeditor_config.js"
    ]); ?>
<section id="marked-content">
    {{  pimcore_wysiwyg('specialContent', {
            height: 200,
            customConfig: '/custom/ckeditor_config.js'

The custom_config.js file could look like the following (please refer to the CKEditor documentation for further details):

CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function (config) {
    config.uiColor = '#AADC6E';
Global Configuration

You can add a Global Configuration for all WYSIWYG Editors for all documents by setting pimcore.document.editables.wysiwyg.defaultEditorConfig.

For this purpose, you can create a Pimcore Bundle and add the configuration in a file in the Resources/public directory of your bundle (e.g. Resources/public/js/editmode.js).

pimcore.document.editables.wysiwyg.defaultEditorConfig = pimcore.document.editables.wysiwyg.defaultEditorConfig || {};
pimcore.document.editables.wysiwyg.defaultEditorConfig.uiColor = '#AADC6E';

To load that file in editmode, you need to implement getEditmodeJsPaths in your bundle class. Given your bundle is named AppAdminBundle and your editmode.js created before was saved to src/AppAdminBundle/Resources/public/js/editmode.js:


namespace AppAdminBundle;

use Pimcore\Extension\Bundle\AbstractPimcoreBundle;

class AppAdminBundle extends AbstractPimcoreBundle
    public function getEditmodeJsPaths()
        return [
Registering global configuration via events

You can also add the file which should be loaded in editmode through an event listener to avoid having to implement a PimcoreBundle just for the sake of adding a file. Given you already have an AppBundle and put the JS config from above to src/AppBundle/Resources/public/js/editmode.js you can create an event listener to add the path to the list of loaded files in editmode (please see Events for details on how to implement and register event listeners):


namespace AppBundle\EventListener;

use Pimcore\Event\BundleManager\PathsEvent;
use Pimcore\Event\BundleManagerEvents;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;

class EditmodeListener implements EventSubscriberInterface
    public static function getSubscribedEvents()
        return [
            BundleManagerEvents::EDITMODE_JS_PATHS => 'onEditmodeJsPaths'

    public function onEditmodeJsPaths(PathsEvent $event)
        $event->setPaths(array_merge($event->getPaths(), [

Text Output in Editmode

With the following code you can get the text even in editmode:

<?= $this->wysiwyg("specialContent"); ?>
<?php if($this->editmode): ?>
    <div style="border: 1px solid #000;" class="preview">
        <?= $this->wysiwyg("specialContent")->getData(); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
{{ pimcore_wysiwyg('specialContent') }}

<div style="border: 1px solid #000;" class="preview">
    {{ pimcore_wysiwyg('specialContent').getData() }}

WYSIWYG with preview - editmode