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Pimcore 11.x company information management
Readme Company Bundle
The Company Bundle provides to the backend user a simplified management panel to edit all important company information such as:
- address details
- opening hours
- social media links
- details
- business location coordinates
included translations
- German (v1.0.0)
- English (v1.0.0)
- Ukrainian (v1.0.1) thanks to Olya Batyr
- Russian (v1.0.1) thanks to Olya Batyr
new in v3.0.1
- site id bugfix for main site
new in v3
- Pimcore 11 ready
new in v2
- Pimcore 10 ready
- removed templates
- removed the document tag
new in v1.4
- document tag adjustment for the latest Pimcore version
new in v1.3
- Pimcore 6 ready
new in v1.2.2
- removed Google+ from socialmedias
- added Metatag accounts (Twitter & Facebook)
new in v1.2.1
- opening times bugfix (closing times)
- opening times UX improvements
new in v1.2.0
- replaced Twig templates with PHP templates
- caching
new in v1.1.1
- added VAT number field
- added company founding information fields
- added VKontakte, Medium & Reddit to the social media channels
- translation fixes
- style fixes
new in v1.1.0
- new tab organisation
- add holidays to the opening hours
- edit site description & keywords based on the site language
- new template handling
Getting Started
- download bundle with Composer
"composer require docono/company-bundle"
- register the Bundle in the
- install the Bundle in the console
bin/console pimcore:bundle:install DoconoCompanyBundle
- make sure the cache is flushed and Pimcore reloaded
- open the "Company Information" panel and fill in the company details
- assign data to the view in your controller
$this->twig->addGlobal('companyInfo', Config::getData($siteID));
Configuration File
Each site has its own YAML configuration file which is located in the app config folder /var/config
site ids
The Bundle uses the Pimcore site ids:
- site_0: the main site
- site_1: site with the id 1
- site_2: site with the id 2
- etc
config YAML
name: DOCONO
address: 'Bahnhofstrasse 8'
town: Alpnach
postalcode: '6055'
region: OW
country: CH
phone: '+41 XX XXX XX XX'
fax: '+41 41 670 01 70'
vat-number: ''
linkedin: ''
xing: ''
facebook: ''
vk: ''
twitter: ''
instagram: ''
pinterest: ''
youtube: ''
vimeo: ''
medium: ''
reddit: ''
lunchbreak: true
monday: { open: '09:00', close: '11:30', open_pm: '13:00', close_pm: '16:00' }
tuesday: { open: '09:00', close: '11:30', open_pm: '13:00', close_pm: '16:00' }
wednesday: { open: '09:00', close: '11:30', open_pm: '13:00', close_pm: '16:00' }
thursday: { open: '09:00', close: '11:30', open_pm: '13:00', close_pm: '16:00' }
friday: { open: '09:00', close: '11:30', open_pm: '13:00', close_pm: '16:00' }
saturday: { allday_closed: 'on' }
sunday: { allday_closed: 'on' }
- { name: 'Easter weekend', start: 30.03.2018, end: 02.04.2018 }
- { name: 'Christmas & New Year', start: 21.12.2018, end: 06.01.2019 }
en: { description: 'site description', keywords: 'keywords, metakeywords' }
de: { description: 'Seitenbeschreibung', keywords: 'keywords, metakeywords' }
type: LocalBusiness
subtype: ''
url: ''
logo: /var/assets/logo/DOCONO-logo.jpg
image: /var/assets/logo/DOCONO-logo.jpg
founder-name: ''
founding-date: '2017'
founding-town: 'Alpnach Dorf'
lat: '47.050168'
long: '8.309307'
link: ''
twitter-site: 'docono'
twitter-creator: 'docono'
facebook-publisher: ''
facebook-author: ''
facebook-app-id: ''
Configuration Helper
If you want to access any of the company information data, simply use the STATIC config helper to access them.
Name | Return | Description |
getFile() |
string | get YAML config file for current site |
getFileForSite(String $site) |
string | get YAML config file for given site id |
getData(String $site=null) |
array | array of all data |
getCompany() |
array | array of the 'company' namespace |
getSocialmedia() |
array | array of the 'socialmedia' namespace |
getOpeningtimes() |
array | array of the 'times' namespace |
getHolidays() |
array | array of the 'holiday' namespace |
getSEO(string $language='en') |
array | array of the 'seo' namespace |
getSchema() |
array | array of the 'schema' namespace |
getLocation() |
array | array of the 'location' namespace |
getAccounts() |
array | array of the 'accounts' namespace |
if (Site::isSiteRequest()) {
$companyData = Config::getData();
} else {
$site = Pimcore\Tool\Frontend::getSiteForDocument($this->document);
$siteID = !$site ? 'site_0' : 'site_' . $site->getId();
$companyData = Config::getData($siteID);
$this->twig->addGlobal('companyInfo', $companyData);