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Pimcore Fixture Bundle


General Tools


team neusta



Last updated

Compatible Pimcore Version

^10.5 || ^11.0




No  Reviewer

Pimcore Fixture Bundle

General Tools


Provide basic functionality to enable installing fixtures in Pimcore.


Pimcore Fixture Bundle

Provides a way to manage and execute the loading of data fixtures in Pimcore.

It can be useful for testing purposes, or for seeding a database with initial data.


  1. Require the bundle

    composer require teamneusta/pimcore-fixture-bundle
  2. Enable the bundle

    Add the Bundle to your config/bundles.php:

    Neusta\Pimcore\FixtureBundle\NeustaPimcoreFixtureBundle::class => ['test' => true],
  3. Register your Fixtures Folder for Service autoconfiguration

    Depending on where you want to create your Fixtures or if they should only be accessible during test execution.

         autoconfigure: true
         resource: '../tests/Fixture/'

Upgrading from earlier Version

Fixtures are now considered actual services and are loaded through Dependency Injection (DI). To align with this approach, you'll need to update your Fixture classes by moving service dependencies from the create method to the constructor. If your Fixture relies on other Fixtures, implement the HasDependencies interface.

Here are the key changes:

  1. Fixture Interface Update
    The old fixture interface Neusta\Pimcore\FixtureBundle\Fixture has been replaced with Neusta\Pimcore\FixtureBundle\Fixture\Fixture. You can also extend from Neusta\Pimcore\FixtureBundle\Fixture\AbstractFixture to implement your Fixtures.

  2. Change in create Method
    The signature of the create method has been modified. It no longer takes any arguments, meaning all service dependencies must be specified via Dependency Injection. This is typically done through the constructor.

  3. Fixtures as Services
    Fixtures must be made available in the Dependency Injection container to be discovered. To do this, tag them with neusta_pimcore_fixture.fixture, or use autoconfiguration for automatic tagging.

  4. Specifying Inter-Fixture Dependencies
    If your Fixture depends on others, use the HasDependencies interface to specify these dependencies. Additional guidance is available in the section "Referencing Fixtures and Depending on Other Fixtures".

Make sure to update your Fixture classes according to these changes to ensure proper functionality and compatibility with this Bundle.


Writing Fixtures

Data fixtures are PHP service classes where you create objects and persist them to the database.

Imagine that you want to add some Product objects to your database. To do this, create a fixture class and start adding products:

use Neusta\Pimcore\FixtureBundle\Fixture\AbstractFixture;
use Pimcore\Model\DataObject\Product;

final class ProductFixture extends AbstractFixture
    public function create(): void
        for ($i = 1; $i <= 20; $i++) {
            $product = new Product();
            $product->setKey("Product {$i}");
            // ...


Referencing Fixtures and Depending on Other Fixtures

Suppose you want to link a Product fixture to a Group fixture. To do this, you need to create a Group fixture first and keep a reference to it. Later, you can use this reference when creating the Product fixture.

This process requires the Group fixture to exist before the Product fixture. You can achieve this ordering by implementing the HasDependencies interface.

use Neusta\Pimcore\FixtureBundle\Fixture\AbstractFixture;
use Pimcore\Model\DataObject\ProductGroup;

final class ProductGroupFixture extends AbstractFixture
    public function create(): void
        $productGroup = new ProductGroup();
        $productGroup->setKey('My Product Group');

        $this->addReference('my-product-group', $productGroup);
use Neusta\Pimcore\FixtureBundle\Fixture\AbstractFixture;
use Neusta\Pimcore\FixtureBundle\Fixture\HasDependencies;
use Pimcore\Model\DataObject\Product;
use Pimcore\Model\DataObject\ProductGroup;

final class ProductFixture extends AbstractFixture implements HasDependencies
    public function create(): void
        $productGroup = $this->getReference('my-product-group', ProductGroup::class);

        $product = new Product();
        $product->setKey('My grouped Product');

    public function getDependencies(): array
        return [

Loading Fixtures

To load fixtures in Tests, we offer the SelectiveFixtureLoader. To streamline your test setup, we recommend creating a base class with a method to load fixtures via the SelectiveFixtureLoader. Here's an example demonstrating how to implement this.

use Neusta\Pimcore\FixtureBundle\Fixture;
use Pimcore\Test\KernelTestCase;

abstract class BaseKernelTestCase extends KernelTestCase
     * @param list<class-string<Fixture>> $fixtures
    protected function importFixtures(array $fixtures): void
        /** @var SelectiveFixtureLoader $fixtureLoader */
        $fixtureLoader = static::getContainer()->get(SelectiveFixtureLoader::class);

    protected function tearDown(): void


Use the base class as follows:

use Pimcore\Model\DataObject;

final class MyCustomTest extends BaseKernelTestCase
    /** @test */
    public function import_fixtures(): void

        $productFixture = DataObject::getByPath('/product-1');


To load fixtures in your local environment or as part of a deployment two commands are provided:

  • neusta:pimcore-fixture:load (Loads a defined fixture class.)
  • neusta:pimcore-fixtures:load (Loads all defined fixture classes.)

Beware that loading a large amount of objects may lead to a high consumption of memory. Should you encounter memory issues when running the commands in dev environments you may want to try setting the environment to prod. Disabling the debug mode also seems to be beneficial in terms of memory consumption.

For example provide these options when using the symfony console:

bin/console --env=prod --no-debug neusta:pimcore-fixtures:load

Accessing Services from the Fixtures

As the Fixtures are just normal PHP Services you can use all DI features like constructor, setter or property injection as usual.

Extension and customization through Events

The Bundle provides the following events to facilitate extensions and customization:

  1. BeforeLoadFixtures
    This event is triggered before any fixture is executed. It contains all the fixtures that are scheduled for execution, accessible via $event->getFixtures(). You can alter the list of fixtures to be loaded by using $event->setFixtures(...).

  2. AfterLoadFixtures
    This event occurs after all relevant fixtures have been executed. It carries the fixtures that have been successfully loaded, which can be accessed through $event->loadedFixtures.

  3. BeforeExecuteFixture
    This event is triggered just before a fixture is executed. Using this event, you can prevent the execution of a specific fixture by setting $event->setPreventExecution(true).

  4. AfterExecuteFixture
    This event occurs after a fixture has been executed.


Feel free to open issues for any bug, feature request, or other ideas.

Please remember to create an issue before creating large pull requests.

Local Development

To develop on a local machine, the vendor dependencies are required.

bin/composer install

We use composer scripts for our main quality tools. They can be executed via the bin/composer file as well.

bin/composer cs:fix
bin/composer phpstan
bin/composer tests

Review status




team neusta



Last updated

Compatible Pimcore Version

^10.5 || ^11.0




No  Reviewer