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Version: Edit on GitHub

Pimcore Installation

The following guide assumes you're using a typical LAMP environment, if you're using a different setup (eg. Nginx) or you're facing a problem, please visit the Installation Guide section.

1. System Requirements

Please have a look at System Requirements and ensure your system is ready for Pimcore.

2. Install Pimcore & Dependencies

The easiest way to install Pimcore is from your terminal using Composer. Change into the root folder of your project (please remember project root != document root):

cd /your/project

Choose a package to install

We offer 2 different installation packages, a demo package with exemplary blueprints and an empty skeleton package for experienced developers.

1. Skeleton Package (only for experienced Pimcore developers)
COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer create-project pimcore/skeleton my-project
Demo Package
COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer create-project pimcore/demo my-project

Point the document root of your vhost to the newly created /public folder (eg. /your/project/public). Keep in mind, that Pimcore needs to be installed outside of the document root. Specific configurations and optimizations for your web server are available here: Apache, Nginx

Pimcore requires write access to the following directories (relative to your project root): /var, /public/var (Details)

If you're running the installation using a custom environment name, ensure you already have the right config files in place, e.g. config/packages/[env_name]/config.yaml.

3. Create Database

mysql -u root -p -e "CREATE DATABASE project_database charset=utf8mb4;"

For further information please visit out DB Setup Guide

4. Launch Installer

cd ./my-project

This launches the interactive installer with a few questions. Make sure that you set the memory_limit to at least 512M in your php.ini file.

Note: Pimcore allows a fully automated installation process, read more here: Advanced Installation Topics

Open Admin Interface

After the installer has finished, you can open the admin interface: https://your-host.com/admin

Debugging installation issues

The installer writes a log in var/log which contains any errors encountered during the installation. Please have a look at the logs as a starting point when debugging installation issues.

5. Maintenance Cron Job

*/5 * * * * /your/project/bin/console pimcore:maintenance

# it's recommended to run the following command using a process control system like Supervisor
# please follow the Symfony Messenger guide for a best practice production setup: 
# https://symfony.com/doc/current/messenger.html#deploying-to-production
*/5 * * * * /your/project/bin/console messenger:consume pimcore_core pimcore_maintenance --time-limit=300

Keep in mind, that the cron job has to run as the same user as the web interface to avoid permission issues (eg. www-data).

6. Additional Information & Help

If you would like to know more about the installation process or if you are having problems getting Pimcore up and running, visit the Installation Guide section.

7. Further Reading

Next up - Directories Structure