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Version: Edit on GitHub

Custom Icons & Tooltips for Documents/Assets & Data Objects

Pimcore allows to dynamically define custom element icons & tooltips in the element tree. In addition, the icon of the editor tab can be changed.

Properties that can be changed

  • Element CSS class
  • Element icon
  • Element icon class
  • Tree node tooltip

How to override the default style

The basic idea is to provide one's own implementation of Pimcore\Model\Element\AdminStyle.

This can be achieved by attaching a listener to the AdminEvents::RESOLVE_ELEMENT_ADMIN_STYLE event.


In config/services.yaml add

      - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: pimcore.admin.resolve.elementAdminStyle, method: onResolveElementAdminStyle }

Create AdminStyleListener in EventListeners


namespace App\EventListener;

class AdminStyleListener
    public function onResolveElementAdminStyle(\Pimcore\Event\Admin\ElementAdminStyleEvent $event)
        $element = $event->getElement();
        // decide which default styles you want to override
        if ($element instanceof \App\Model\Product\Car) {
            $event->setAdminStyle(new \App\Model\Product\AdminStyle\Car($element));

Example: Custom Icon for the Car DataObject

This will change the Car icon depending on the car type:

namespace App\Model\Product\AdminStyle;

use App\Website\Tool\ForceInheritance;
use Pimcore\Model\Element\AdminStyle;

class Car extends AdminStyle
    /** @var ElementInterface */
    protected $element;

    public function __construct($element)

        $this->element = $element;

        if ($element instanceof \App\Model\Product\Car) {
            ForceInheritance::run(function () use ($element) {
                if ($element->getObjectType() == 'actual-car') {
                    $this->elementIcon = '/bundles/pimcoreadmin/img/twemoji/1f697.svg';


Class Icons

Example: Custom Tooltips

It is possible to define custom tooltips which are shown while hovering over the element tree.

The example outlines how to provide a custom tooltip for Car objects.

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getElementQtipConfig()
        if ($this->element instanceof \App\Model\Product\Car) {
            $element = $this->element;

            return ForceInheritance::run(function () use ($element) {
                $text = '<h1>' . $element->getName() . '</h1>';

                $mainImage = $element->getMainImage();
                if ($mainImage) {
                    $thumbnail = $mainImage->getThumbnail("content");
                    $text .= '<p><img src="' . $thumbnail . '" width="150" height="150"/></p>';

                $text .= wordwrap($this->element->getDescription(), 50, "<br>");

                return [
                    "title" => "ID: " . $element->getId() . " - Year: " . $element->getProductionYear(),
                    "text" => $text,

        return parent::getElementQtipConfig();


Class Icons

Example: Custom Style for Assets

This will display the modification date and image size as additional information. Besides that, it shows a different icon for all assets starting with a capital 'C' in their key.

namespace App\Model\Product\AdminStyle;

use Pimcore\Model\Asset;
use Pimcore\Model\Element\AdminStyle;

class AssetEventStyle extends AdminStyle
    public function __construct($element)

        if ($element instanceof Asset\Image) {
            if (strpos($element->getKey(), 'C') === 0) {
                $this->elementIconClass = null;
                $this->elementIcon = '/bundles/pimcoreadmin/img/twemoji/1f61c.svg';

            $this->elementQtipConfig = [
                'title' => 'ID: ' . $element->getId(),
                'text' => 'Path: ' . $element->getFullPath()
                        . '<br>Modified: ' . date('c', $element->getModificationDate())
                        . '<br>Size:  '. $element->getWidth() . 'x' . $element->getHeight() . " px"

Class Icons