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Version: Edit on GitHub

Renderlet Editable


The renderlet is a special container which is able to handle every element in Pimcore (Documents, Assets, Objects). You can decide in your controller/action what to do with the element which is linked to the renderlet. So it's possible to make a multifunctional area in editmode where the editor can drop anything on it. A typical use-case would be to render product objects within a document.


Name Type Description Mandatory
controller string Specify controller reference, e.g. App\Controller\FooController::myAction X
template string Specify template
className string or string[] Specify class name (if type object chosen) as single string or as string array
height integer or string Height of the renderlet in pixel or 'auto'
reload bool Reload document on change
title string Add a title to the box in editmode
type string The type of the element assigned to the renderlet (document,asset,object)
width integer Width of the renderlet in pixel
class string A CSS class that is added to the surrounding container of this element in editmode

Optionally you can pass every parameter (with a scalar data type) you like to the renderlet which can be accessed in the configured controller with $request->get('yourKey').


Name Return Description
isEmpty() bool Whether the editable is empty or not.

In the configured Controller Action

In the target controller action, you get the following parameters which can be accessed by $request->get('key').

Name Type Description
id integer The id of the element assigned to the renderlet
type string The type of the element assigned to the renderlet (document,asset,object)
subtype string The subtype of the element assigned to the renderlet (folder, image, link, page, classname, ...)

If you have defined any custom parameters on the renderlet configuration you can access them also with $request->get('yourParam').


The code below shows how to use renderlet to create gallery based on it.

Specify the Renderlet Editable in a Template

<section id="renderlet-gallery">
        pimcore_renderlet('myGallery', {
            "controller" : "App\\Controller\\ContentController::myGalleryAction",
            "title" : "Drag an asset folder here to get a gallery",
            "height" : 400

Now editors are able to put elements onto the renderlet in the editmode.

Renderlet gallery - editmode

Specify the Controller Action

 * @Template
public function myGalleryAction(Request $request)
    if ('asset' === $request->get('type')) {
        $asset = Asset::getById((int) $request->get('id'));
        if ('folder' === $asset->getType()) {
            return [
                'assets' => $asset->getChildren()

    return [];

The action is responsible for validation and transferring assets to the view. Of course, to limit access to the renderlet, you can use the type configuration option as well.

Create View

Now you have to create the template file at: templates/content/my_gallery.html.twig

{% if assets %}
	<div class="my-gallery">
		{% for asset in assets %}
			{% if asset is instanceof('\\Pimcore\\Model\\Asset\\Image') %}
				<div class="gallery-row">
                    {{ asset.getThumbnail('myThumbnailName').getHTML()|raw }}
			{% endif %}
		{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

And the final view is like, below: Rendered renderlet - frontend


Please be aware, that the renderlet itself is not editmode-aware. If you need to determine within the renderlet whether in editmode or not, you need to pass that parameter to the renderlet.

	pimcore_renderlet('myRenderlet', {
		"editmode" : editmode

Within the renderlet, you can access the editmode parameter as follows:

{% if editmode %}