Warning: You are browsing the documentation from version 4 to 10 of Pimcore. Please visit https://pimcore.com/docs/platform/ for the latest versions of Pimcore.
Version: Edit on GitHub

Updating Pimcore

Our Backward Compatibility Promise

Since we're building on top of Symfony and in an app, Pimcore and Symfony code gets mixed together, it just makes sense that we're adopting the same backward compatibility promise for PHP code.

So for further information how you can ensure that your application won’t break completely when upgrading to a newer version of the same major release branch, please have a look at https://symfony.com/doc/5.2/contributing/code/bc.html

The code for the admin user interface (mostly AdminBundle but also parts of EcommerceFrameworkBundle) is not covered by this promise.

Upgrading within Version X

  • Carefully read our Upgrade Notes before any update.
  • Check your version constraint for pimcore/pimcore in your composer.json and adapt it if necessary to match with the desired target version.
  • Run COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer update
  • Clear the data cache bin/console pimcore:cache:clear

Composer update runs Pimcore migrations automatically. If you do not want to run Pimcore migrations automatically please remove "Pimcore\\Composer::executeMigrationsUp" from the post-update-cmd scripts in your composer.json.

To run core migrations manually (e.g. when using composer install), use: bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --prefix=Pimcore\\Bundle\\CoreBundle

Upgrading from earlier Versions