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Event Listener UI


The Pimcore Backend UI is based upon the Ext JS Framework. An event listener can add Ext components to the user interface or execute any other JavaScript required in the listener context.

All JavaScript and CSS which should be included, needs to be defined in your bundle class, as described in Pimcore Bundles.

Alternatively, you can setup this via an Eventlistener:

  # adds additional static files to admin backend
      - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: pimcore.bundle_manager.paths.css, method: addCSSFiles }
      - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: pimcore.bundle_manager.paths.js, method: addJSFiles }
namespace App\EventListener;

use Pimcore\Event\BundleManager\PathsEvent;

class PimcoreAdminListener
    public function addCSSFiles(PathsEvent $event)

    public function addJSFiles(PathsEvent $event)

These scripts are loaded last upon Pimcore startup. They are loaded in the same order as specified in the bundle class.

Starting point for javascript development is the javascript event listener.

A listener can look as follows:

document.addEventListener(pimcore.events.pimcoreReady, (e) => {
    //print out the parameters of the event

JavaScript UI Events

For registering events just add a listener with some of the events from events.js.

Validate Pimcore Object's Data in frontend before saving

It is possible to validate Pimcore Object's Data in frontend and cancel the saving if needed.

This can be done by using preventDefault() and stopPropagation():

Code example in startup.js:

document.addEventListener(pimcore.events.preSaveObject, (e) => {
    let userAnswer = confirm(`Are you sure you want to save ${e.detail.object.data.general.o_className}?`);
    if (!userAnswer) {
        pimcore.helpers.showNotification(t("Info"), t("saving_failed") + ' ' + 'placeholder', 'info');


I18n texts for js

Pimcore supports i18n for UI extensions. First see the i18n section for bundles how to prepare the data server-side.

Once this is done, translations can be accessed anywhere in the javascript code by calling


Adding Custom Main Navigation Items

It is possible to add leftside main navigation via event listener. See the following example to know how:

The new navigation item (the li tag) must have an id attribute starting with pimcore_menu_, whose suffix must be the prefix of the "menu variable" of the toolbar. So, the xxx part of the id pimcore_menu_xxx must match pimcore.layout.toolbar.prototype.xxxMenu to display the navigation item.

let navEl = Ext.get('pimcore_menu_search').insertSibling('<li id="pimcore_menu_mds" data-menu-tooltip="mds extension" class="pimcore_menu_item pimcore_menu_needs_children">mds extension</li>', 'after');
const menu = new Ext.menu.Menu({
    items: [{
        text: "Item 1",
        iconCls: "pimcore_icon_apply",
        handler: function () {
            alert("pressed 1");
    }, {
        text: "Item 2",
        iconCls: "pimcore_icon_delete",
        handler: function () {
            alert("pressed 2");
    cls: "pimcore_navigation_flyout"
pimcore.layout.toolbar.prototype.mdsMenu = menu;

document.addEventListener(pimcore.events.pimcoreReady, (e) => {
    let toolbar = pimcore.globalmanager.get("layout_toolbar");
    navEl.on("mousedown", toolbar.showSubMenu.bind(toolbar.mdsMenu));

    const mdsMenuReady = new CustomEvent("mdsMenuReady", {
        detail: {
            mdsMenu: toolbar.mdsMenu,
            type: "document"
