Case Study: MIS Group - Impression #1

Case Study: Pioneering Web Excellence - MIS Saudi Arabia and Centric's Collaborative Success Story

Founded in 1979, Moammer Information Systems (MIS) stands as a beacon of technological innovation in Saudi Arabia. Specializing in providing solutions to both the Enterprise and Government sectors.

Recognizing the need for a digital presence that mirrors its stature, MIS embarked on a transformative journey to revamp its corporate website. The goal was clear: to craft a platform that reflects the company’s technological prowess and forward-thinking philosophy. To achieve this, MIS partnered with Centric, a seasoned Pimcore Gold Partner known for taking over 1800 websites live.

Logo: MIS Group
Logo: Centric
Pimcore Gold Partner
  • MIS Group
Verwendete Produkte
Webseite besuchen


Millionen Dollar Umsatz

Disparate and Inconsistent Data

The challenge of inconsistent and disparate data is prevalent across industries, and MIS was no exception. Each department within MIS managed its data independently, leading to inconsistencies that could dilute the brand’s message and confuse potential clients. Centric faced the task of harmonizing this data without compromising the unique needs and contributions of each department.

Digital assets are vital for modern enterprises, yet at MIS, these were scattered across various departments. This dispersion resulted in inefficiencies and a lack of synergy in managing and utilizing these assets effectively, posing a significant challenge in the centralization of resources.


Centric Propels MIS's Data Revolution with Cutting-Edge Solutions

Digital assets are vital for modern enterprises, yet at MIS, these were scattered across various departments. This dispersion resulted in inefficiencies and a lack of synergy in managing and utilizing these assets effectively, posing a significant challenge in the centralization of resources.


Achieving Concrete Success

The collaboration between MIS and Centric resulted in significant improvements across various metrics. The newly launched website saw a remarkable 41% increase in sessions and a 66% increase in leads, indicating higher engagement and conversion rates. These outcomes not only reinforced MIS’s leadership in the tech sector but also highlighted Centric’s expertise in leveraging digital solutions for transformative results.

Through this case study, Centric demonstrates its ability to navigate complex digital landscapes and deliver solutions that significantly enhance operational efficiency and market presence, reaffirming MIS’s satisfaction with the project’s success and fortifying their strategic partnership.

Wesentliche Ergebnisse

Ladezeit Verringerung
Session Steigerung
Steigerung Webseiten-Leads

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